
Brae30 BSN

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All Content by Brae30

  1. I know this is gonna sound like a weird question, but please bear with me. I'm going on almost my second year working as an RN. My first year was in Medsurge and I am now in women's services. I still cannot start an IV for the life of me. I feel like...
  2. BLS and RQI - Can't do it

    I'm just finishing my second year in nursing. I just took an ACLS class through my hospital and was recertified. I completed the online BLS portion but had to use the hospital RQI mannequin to complete the BLS. I fought for an hour trying to get my c...
  3. Oy. At least half of my last job was spent dealing with upset, enraged, family members. Especially the family members who felt slighted by the provider because no one ever talks to him. possible words: "I can see that you're upset and I am defi...
  4. Hello, friends. I am going on my second year of bedside and I'm already thinking I don't wanna do this long term. I have a BSN and two years is my full experience - one in medsurge and now in women's services. Is there any other job I can do what I c...
  5. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

  6. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    Thank you - I really need to hear that. I’m in tears here. ❤️ Is the remediation exam very different than the first exam?
  7. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    I just took my block 2 exam and have to remediate. How can I get 90% on my own?! I am devastated and wondering if I should drop out before spending a ton more money. Anyone else have to remediate? I put in so much work and feel so upset.
  8. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    Thank you!!!!! Thank you!!!!
  9. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    How are you all feeling after orientation? I’m terrified of this 90% passing grade for everything. I’m wondering if I’ve made a terrible mistake in going to Roseman. I would especially like to know about anyone who’s already been in the program for a...
  10. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    Has anyone received this (as per the acceptance email)?: “A Clinical/Supplies Packet will be emailed from the clinical coordinator containing information regarding textbooks, clinical requirements and supplies 30 days prior to Orientation.”
  11. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    Thank you! I’m trying not to stress and you’ve definitely helped. ?
  12. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    Thank you. It’s not clear at all. I don’t see that in the Henderson email. As there are several doses for some, maybe the series can be started by orientation. I don’t know. I find communication very lacking thus far. I’m surprised this was not sent ...
  13. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    Does anyone know if we need all vaccines/immunizations before the start of classes in February — or is it staggered as some have several doses?
  14. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    I agree with the last poster. Most seem to want Henderson, so I don’t think that would be a problem. I wouldn’t wait to contact the enrollment dept to ask.
  15. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    Congratulations! I thought the SJ campus was really pretty. ?
  16. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    I got into Henderson!!! ??
  17. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    I know it’s still early — but has anyone heard anything yet from the September interviews in SJ? Thanks! ?
  18. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    I only know the answer to (1) as it was clarified in the September interview. You have to buy the Dell laptop through roseman as it has their software on it (for exams, etc) and they have technical support on campus. It is not a choice, unfortunately...
  19. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    In the recent interview information session, this exact question was raised. The only answer given was to check with the masters program you are interested in to see if they accept this type of grading system. We were not given any further answer on ...
  20. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    No problem! I think we’re all so stressed these days ?
  21. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    They are still listed as CCNE accredited. Isn’t that enough in itself?
  22. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    Hi Cindy! For your interview, what was the essay question? Also, did they ask you any tough questions - like “tell us about a time when you had to use leadership skills or problem skills,” etc? Or was it all conversational? Thank you!

    Hi. Landon left Roseman. I had the same problem. I would recommend calling The ABSN program (866-892-2928) to ask about how you can move forward. They might even assign you a new advisor. Good luck!

    So, I have an interview coming up for the next cohort. Is anyone kind enough to share their experience in the previous interviews? What was the 15-minute writing sample question? Are the interview questions behavioral (“tell us about a time when you ...
  25. Roseman University Spring/Feb 2020

    Is it possible that Henderson is already full for Feb 2020 due to the alternates that were not accepted into the Fall cohort?