
Noypi47 BSN, RN

Psychiatry/Mental Health

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All Content by Noypi47

  1. Anyone applied for the Air Force Nurse Boards on October 2019? Please comment, let's create a group while we wait for the results ?
  2. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    My OTS class date is February 11, 2020, but no assignment yet, did anyone else get their assignments or heard anything about accession bonus yet?
  3. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    I GOT IN!??????
  4. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Haven’t heard from mine, but expecting today from the last time we spoke, will let you guys know as soon as I hear?? good luck to everyone ??
  5. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

  6. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Update: Just got a call from my recruiter, he said we should be hearing soon if not this Friday it’ll be early next week. Really hoping It’s soon ?? How’s everyone been?
  7. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Just spoke with my recruiter and heard the same, selections have been made, though they might still be working on base placements. Nonetheless, the estimated release date is still around the first week of November, just a couple more weeks guys?
  8. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Awww man... not again...? thanks for the update though, please keep us posted, will reach out to my recruiter on Monday. Hoping to hear THE good news SOON??
  9. Air Force FY 2019

    Haven't heard, though last time I talked to my recruiter I was told that the release date was extended to around the end of this month, other applicants are on this thread if you want to join us?
  10. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Yep, let's keep each other up to date, haven't heard from my from mine. I Though I'm not really expecting to hear anything for at least another a week and a half given the extension?
  11. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Sorry to hear that ICUNurse32, but they're right, there's still the possibility of moving up into selected status. Being a 2nd alternate, I think there's a good chance, keep your head up and hope for the best? Haven't heard from my recruiter either, ...
  12. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    I almost kind of expected this delay when my recruiter said "estimated date of release" lol I just really hope we wouldn't have to wait for too long, this is gonna be the longest October. Just focusing on PFT for now, good luck on that competitive sw...
  13. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Hi Shaycb7, Congratulations on your acceptance! at least you already know you're selected, we are yet to get to your place. Oh man... the wait is too real? I hope they find a better way to streamline the process. Did they give you an estimated date a...
  14. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Hi rteen, welcome to the group! Yeah the wait is too real!? unfortunately that's all we have left to do at this point, lol other than preparing for the PFT. What specialty did you apply for?
  15. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Thank you for the update! I just heard the same from my recruiter, I guess we’ve kind of expected that. Just gotta hold on a bit more guys, hope we wouldn’t have to wait for too long??
  16. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    I'll try to get in contact with my recruiter in the morning, will let you know if I get an update, crossing my fingers with matching prayers lol, hopefully we get selected!?
  17. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    It's OCTOBER guys! How's everyone doing? Did anyone get an update? Can't believe it next week already! Hope we hear soon!?
  18. Air Force Nurse Boards October 2019

    Hi MasalaC, yep! Three weeks too long lol, but yeah really hoping we get in?? Just focused on preparing for PFT now. There’s a pretty good chance for you given that there’s 43 46N3 positions open, I’m applying for Mental Health which is only five so ...
  19. Air Force FY 2019

    So they start reviewing Monday? Been dreading the wait too! ? Wish we could find out soon. I wonder how many applied for this board, I tried to create another thread to see if we could create a group for this board but nobody really responded. Crossi...
  20. Air Force FY 2019

    Thank you for that information, was this from your recruiter? From the facebook post she seems to be on top of everything. "100% select rate" I wish my recruiter could promise me that ? Mental Health is pretty competitive with only 5 spots open, real...
  21. Air Force FY 2019

    Yeah working PFT too, so far the sit ups and the run are my weaker points, but slowly improving on them. Dreading the wait right now, lol hoping the results will come on the 11th or even sooner?. I actually applied for Mental Health and Clinical hopi...
  22. Air Force FY 2019

    Yep! The waiting game... literally a month from today (crossing my fingers until then lol) Did you guys get any confirmation that your application was submitted(like an email)? Or is it just by word-of-mouth from the recruiter?
  23. Air Force FY 2019

    You got this! I see you also specialize in psychiatry, did you apply for Mental Mealth? or FQ Clinical?
  24. Air Force FY 2019

    Does anyone know how many applied for this board? or is it still open?
  25. Air Force FY 2019

    Oh wow, thanks for the update @ebnrn, what specialty did you apply for?