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  1. University of Rochester ABPNN Spring 2020

    That is absolutely ridiculous and inconsiderate to the students on the waitlist. How can you keep someone waiting that
  2. Rush University MSN/GEM 2020 Spring

    here it is for anyone else who needs it:
  3. Rush University MSN/GEM 2020 Spring

    I made a group would be great for us to get to know each other. Hopefully find housing on Facebook. This is the name on FB: Rush University MSN/GEM 2020
  4. Rush University MSN/GEM 2020 Spring

    I’ve been looking on Facebook but no luck. It doesn’t seem like a lot of people got in or they aren’t in this
  5. University of Rochester ABPNN Spring 2020

    Down payment is a
  6. University of Rochester ABPNN Spring 2020

    You have to be kidding me...they pushed it back again??? Very annoying and unprofessional on the schools part. Sets a bad precedent for how the program is
  7. University of Rochester ABPNN Spring 2020

    I received an email on applying for scholarships and grants for the program...I was so
  8. Rush University MSN/GEM 2020 Spring

    Yes, can someone make a
  9. University of Rochester ABPNN Spring 2020

    anyone get an email. I received
  10. Rush University MSN/GEM 2020 Spring

    Has anyone else gotten
  11. Johns Hopkins Entry MSN Spring 2020

    Does anyone know when the waitlist People will hear
  12. Rush University MSN/GEM 2020 Spring

    I got in
  13. Rush University MSN/GEM 2020 Spring

    I wonder how soon we will hear back from
  14. Johns Hopkins Entry MSN Spring 2020

    I also accepted my spot on the waitlist yesterday.
  15. Johns Hopkins Entry MSN Spring 2020

    I have a 3.5 GPA in public health, I was waitlisted last year Fall and Spring. I still have not heard back yet and I'm beginning to feel like its going to be the same thing again this year Spring. I...