PamtheNurse BSN, MSN



All Content by PamtheNurse

  1. Have you ever looked out at your student filled classroom to see that half are paying attention? Are they taking notes on their tablets or laptops? Don't be fooled! A close look may reveal facebook...
  2. PamtheNurse

    What Is Wrong with These Students?

    Asystole RN, Thank you for your reply. The thread has taken on a "life" of its' own I fear, but the segue I am glad to see has given everyone involved an avenue to express their
  3. PamtheNurse

    What Is Wrong with These Students?

    I am not sure what you meant by "Since the dawn of mankind every single generation has been whining about the preceding generation." or Since the dawn of mankind every single generation has been...
  4. Conference attendance can be career-advantageous, exciting, and exhausting. Planning and preparation are helpful in navigating to a successful outcome. I've attended many conferences. Included below...
  5. PamtheNurse

    What Is Wrong with These Students?

    They thought many things. Being people they applied or misapplied their paradigms as to the how and wherefores of nursing student instruction. Historically that meant using what they saw as successful...
  6. PamtheNurse

    What Is Wrong with These Students?

    cinlou, My post in 2020 of the emphasis on management and the subsequent pendulum to skills has to be edited. I am hearing from the current "new grads" that the increase in patient load, patient...
  7. PamtheNurse

    What Is Wrong with These Students?

    To clarify, you have been approached in your place of employment by those of "authority" who requested you do a task or skill that you recognized as putting yourself and/or the patient at risk. You,...
  8. PamtheNurse

    What Is Wrong with These Students?

    I too taught ethics. The older students (Gen-Exers) did show a greater capability to discuss topics that had no definitive answer. If you've done the math, it has been a minute since I taught that...
  9. Dear Faculty, I am a doctoral learner under the direction of Dr. Ronnie Boseman in the College of Doctoral Studies at Grand Canyon University. My name is Pamela Newton. I am conducting a...
  10. Melissa, It has been a minute since I last posted in allnurses. Yes, I did finish my doctorate and published it just about 30 days ago in PROQUEST. I have not yet received notification of public...
  11. PamtheNurse

    Are You or Someone You Know Burned Out?

    NursLitt, Thank you for your comment. The prevalence of burnout is word-of-mouth known and often studied in nurses and educators. However, little is known of burnout in nursing faculty. Since...
  12. Burn out? Me? It was me. Multiple times. And, recently yet again. After writing the two most recent allnurses® articles it became obvious to me that I was dealing with burnout. I, the one...
  13. Thank you for all of the survey responses there have been so far. More are needed! Please feel free to tell and post to any nurse or nursing faculty that has 10 minutes to help identify burnout...
  14. PamtheNurse

    Are You or Someone You Know Burned Out?

    Thank you all, great posts, and ideas for change. I know that nursing faculty is just returning for a stressful new semester start, under our nation's current circumstances. I am as a colleague...
  15. Thank you for your assistance. I am looking forward to more survey responses. I know that nursing faculty is just returning for a stressful new semester start under our nation's current...
  16. Kelaaax3, Could you please clarify whether you work only weekend "on-call". Or do you have other hours you must work besides the weekend "on-call"? As a former hospice nurse I have seen and...
  17. PamtheNurse

    Mental Wellness: Where Do We Go From Here?

    BBear2102, I do hear your plea. Yet I must state the replies thus far to your article sum what I have found personally and in reading research. The one reply is of someone who is going into...
  18. I messaged this for approval to go live on for my research data collection to begin. I am disappointed, I have not heard from anyone, nor has there been visible progress toward the...
  19. PamtheNurse

    Are You or Someone You Know Burned Out?

    All interesting and provocative
  20. Like the teen going to Summer camp, I have had on my journey the anxiety; did I bring with me what I needed? Yet I had, like the teen in Summer camp, the excitement of discovery while leaving behind...
  21. PamtheNurse

    A Writer's Learning Journey

    Julie, I appreciate your comment and support! My nursing and now journey in the education of nurses has been an interesting one to-say-the-least. In nearing the research phase, and therefore...
  22. PamtheNurse

    What Is Wrong with These Students?

    NurseLizabeeRN, It sounds like you do have a doable plan. It is interesting you have mentioned "adequate support from leadership and peers, some level of work-life balance" and "an innate desire to...
  23. PamtheNurse

    What Is Wrong with These Students?

    Megan1977 & NurseLizabeeRN, I compliment the two of you. You both are obviously dedicated to your endeavor to educate students. It is a formidable task. My interest is in the experience of...
  24. PamtheNurse

    What Is Wrong with These Students?

    Lecturing is as much a science-based action as it is an art. One's artistic expression is as individual as is the art viewer's experience. With the lecture, the Instructor is attempting to convey...
  25. The burnout study of nursing is extensive and ongoing. Evidently, nurses are either burning out or burned out. However, when does the burning out begin, nursing school? Graduate nursing? Beginning...