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About kbena

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  1. UT AE-MSN 2021

    Hi yall! Im from the 2020 cohort. Congrats to everyone who got in! Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about the program. I am selling books for anyone who wants to get a head start on supply shopping.
  2. UT Austin Alternate Entry 2020

    OMG! This is the best news I’ve gotten all week. You’re such a kind soul, I know me and many others have been hoping you get in. This is great!! Join the facebook group when you have a chance ? I cannot wait to meet you!
  3. UT Austin Alternate Entry 2020

    Head up! More spots will surely open up once it comes time to pay. Tuition is insane for us out of state folk. Meanwhile start working on your app for next year... we are all rooting for you!! Accepting your spot isn’t binding and there’s still a lot...
  4. UT Austin Alternate Entry 2020

    I know there is at least one person who is questioning which school to attend on our Facebook group. It’s my first and only choice personally, it’s the only place I applied.
  5. UT Austin Alternate Entry 2020

    Crossing my fingers for you!!!
  6. UT Austin Alternate Entry 2020

    Sending you good vibes girl ?
  7. UT Austin Alternate Entry 2020

    The admissions email said the first day of class is June 4, however I know there is an orientation before that. Tbd
  8. UT Austin Alternate Entry 2020

  9. UT Austin Alternate Entry 2020

    Join our Facebook group if you’re on Facebook! It was an email from Tracy, Followed by an automated email from the MyStatus page.
  10. UT Austin Alternate Entry 2020

    I got in guys! I’m in shock! ETA, LeaDS
  11. UT Austin Alternate Entry 2020

    There is a Facebook group already! UT Austin AEMSN 2020 https://www.facebook.com/groups/433850813952217/?ref=share
  12. UT Austin Alternate Entry 2020

    Nope ?
  13. UT Austin Alternate Entry 2020

    I’m guessing no one has found out anything today?
  14. UT Austin Alternate Entry 2020

    Was there an application section for financial aid? I don’t recall seeing one. Typically anything regarding finances occurs after an admissions decision is made.
  15. UT Austin Alternate Entry 2020

    I just went back and looked and people received their acceptances as early as 1/18 (CNS). I didn’t see any for LeaDs but someone knew by 1/25 that they were waitlisted for LeaDs.