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About Misstayler

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  1. Yes and no I met amazing friends and people from the program. I am done now so im just happy with the outcome I finished LOL. Good
  2. Thank you!! I am so grateful to be done LOL. And you are welcome! I try my best to help others because others helped me. but, I learned based on teaching myself tbh when it came to the lessons....
  3. if this is your only option then go for it. But if you can apply to other places I would advise you do. I just graduated from here and it was complete hell! But tbh most nursing programs are...
  4. Hey everyone! I was accepted in February for the Summer 2021 as well! Nice to meet you guys. I was also wondering how you all were looking into funding as
  5. Misstayler

    College of Mount Saint Vincent ABSN Spring 2021 Start

    Hello Does anyone know exactly who to email my enrollment in orgo chem to? I believe its ellen lloyd but if anyone has information on exactly where you sent yours could you please let me know. Thanks...
  6. Hello Does anyone know exactly who to email my enrollment in orgo chem to? I believe its ellen lloyd but if anyone has information on exactly where you sent yours could you please let me know. Thanks...
  7. Misstayler

    Mercy University NY ABSN Summer 2021

    Just mercy for
  8. Misstayler

    Mercy University NY ABSN Summer 2021

    Its open now and I believe it closes March
  9. Misstayler

    Mercy University NY ABSN Summer 2021

    Yes!! crossing fingers ? We got
  10. Misstayler

    Mercy University NY ABSN Summer 2021

    Hello! I applied for the Summer 2021 and I am waiting to hear back as
  11. Thank you NYCBelle! your words were so helpful and encouraging. I really appreciate that feedback. I will make sure to go up and beyond to get an A in the science courses for sure. I actually love...
  12. Okay great! Congrats on being accepted that’s Awesome. But Thanks for the info! I will go on Lehman’s website to see what exactly pre reqs i need. If I’m accepted into hunter i will do them...
  13. Thank you! Do i take the TEAS OR HESI on my own and show i took this or once in accepted hopefully to a program
  14. Hello! I am in the process of trying to go back for my BSN for nursing. I already have a bachelor's degree in sociology but had a change of heart and want to be a RN. The last two years of My...