
CarolinaRN0501 MSN, NP

New Member

All Content by CarolinaRN0501

  1. The Frustration of Getting Licensed

    I wish I had had the opportunity to network-there was an opportunity at a conference being held near my school but it was canceled due to COVID. Can’t focus on the what if’s though. Trust me, I am not striking out on my own haha. Major ...
  2. The Frustration of Getting Licensed

    So you've gone through graduate school, passed certification, gotten registered in your state as an APRN but can't get licensed because you can't find a physician collaborator. And you can't get a physician collaborator because jobs either will not l...
  3. The Frustration of Getting Licensed

    Congrats on passing boards! And it's for your APRN license but only in certain states-states that have restricted practice basically. Some states will not give you a license (but will let you become "registered"...) or they will license you but ...
  4. Clinical Experience Thoughts

    As most nurse practitioner students know, it is very difficult finding preceptors. I secured this preceptor in September/October last year. Paperwork was sent back and forth and approved by all parties involved (school faculty, office manager, and pr...
  5. LIES About LPN's and LVN's

    I am a little confused by your article. You appear to have written from both sides of your argument but at the same time focus only on the LPN/LVN side. And it is hard to follow as it appears you jump from idea to idea-but I feel this is more of th...
  6. What's up with this RN?

    I've honestly ever thought about this before. I was taught the 'this RN' or 'RN' in school and it just stuck. The electronic charting we use is mostly clicking boxes...unless it's a notification of some sort and then you only get like 2 1/2 lines to ...
  7. Medication error

    Please, do not let this turn you away from nursing. Learn from it. Grow from it. Any nurse that says they have never made an error of some sort is lying through their teeth. As several people have said already, there were a chain of events that lea...
  8. Clinical Experience Thoughts

    Thank you everyone for your responses. As the initial soreness and shock of the experience of it has worn off I can look back on this experience and agree with all of you. Yes, there were some miscommunication errors here. I had met my preceptor fac...