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All Content by Violet100

  1. UFV Fall 2019

    KaitlynAndrews99 This is the email of the lady that handles the admissions. [email protected]. Try emailing her and call the registrars office to inquire as well. I hope it works out.
  2. UFV Fall 2019

    I am relieved to know others are in the same boat as I am. The process is nerve racking. What are your volunteer experiences like? I know they cap everyone out at 100 hours so no credit for additional. I am curious how they differentiate them. I spok...
  3. UFV Fall 2019

    Hey everyone, Applying for the first time. Pre-reqs: Eng105- A- Bio12- A+ Chem 11- A+ Math PC- A+ Volunteer hours: 150+ with leadership roles What are your pre req's like?