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All Content by Canaan

  1. Is 63 to old to start nursing school?

    I am surprised there nurses are not hitting on you! LOL You sound fit, and smart. Love your post!
  2. Is 63 to old to start nursing school?

    Dear Glen Rubin, I loved reading your post. The words you have written encompasses the human spirit, daring, brave and resilient. I have printed it out and when I am ever feeling I cannot complete a task or assignment I will read it. Thank you
  3. Is 63 to old to start nursing school?

    LOL So true.
  4. Sept 2019 - RPN at Mohawk College

    Hi momtorpnand beyond All my classes were during day hours. I was able to drop my kid off at the bus and go to the college and pick her up again after school. It was such a pleasure having a decent schedule! Christmas off and weekends!! Don't stress ...
  5. Sept 2019 - RPN at Mohawk College

    I just finished the RPN program. Textbooks are crazy expensive. The main one you are easily between 120-160 each. Good luck on your course. The mature students usually do very well in the nursing program. Too much to lose if we don't!
  6. Anyone fail CPNRE predictor test???

    That's good. 60% is a pretty low standard. I don't mind hitting the books. Good luck to you.
  7. Anyone fail CPNRE predictor test???

    I thought the CPNRE was marked on a bell curve. If I only need a 60% to pass I may just chill out on my study routine this summer. I write in September. I too rated high on the predictor test.
  8. Am I Too Old?

    I went back to nursing school and will be writing my CNO exam one month before my 55th birthday. I am not sure about the wisdom of that decision yet as Nursepolice post contains a lot of sad truths. Two students, very young and very pretty were offer...
  9. After working as a PSW in a longterm care setting I decided to go back to school and complete my Practical Nurse degree. I was motivated by several factors, I could not see myself working as a PSW as the role is very self-limiting, and at the LTC the...
  10. Too old for a career change

    Good point!
  11. Too old for a career change

    Good timing on your response! I am about to walk into a final exam (which I know I'll pass) with a smile on my face. I can't believe this age issue is weighting so heavily on me these days! Thank you J.
  12. Why do [some] nursing students fail?

    Great Book!! Highly recommend it as well.
  13. Thinking of dropping out

    I can't tell you what to do and I am just graduating in 2019. I can tell you that I saw many students in my class struggle with what you are going through. We started with a full class and now only about 40% will be graduating. Wonder if you are "sma...