Too old for a career change

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After working as a PSW in a longterm care setting I decided to go back to school and complete my Practical Nurse degree. I was motivated by several factors, I could not see myself working as a PSW as the role is very self-limiting, and at the LTC they were horribly treated. I wanted to learn and grow as a professional and that option is not supported as a PSW.

I am about to graduate in April, I have good marks, get along well with my class and I am supported by my instructors. The kicker is I will be 55 by the time I take the NCLEX test.

I am starting to feel that my age will be working against me. I don't "look" 54, I am in good shape and exercise daily.

While doing my clinical studies in acute care I could not help but notice that I was the oldest person in the room. It has begun to bother me and I am starting to self-doubt. I plan to carry on in the Mental health field when I pass the NCLEX.

Are there any other mature students out there that feel the same? I am feeling worried that I have made a big mistake thinking that ageism would not be a factor.


Specializes in Clinical Leadership, Staff Development, Education.

I taught PN program and absolutely not too old. You will bring life experiences that will contribute to your care. Good Luck!

Good timing on your response! I am about to walk into a final exam (which I know I'll pass) with a smile on my face. I can't believe this age issue is weighting so heavily on me these days!

Thank you J.

Specializes in Mental Health.

Age discrimination is illegal, so worst case scenario is you make a bunch of money off of a lawsuit and retire. :p

Specializes in Pedi.
Age discrimination is illegal, so worst case scenario is you make a bunch of money off of a lawsuit and retire. :p

It's pretty hard to prove that age is the reason you weren't hired over someone else, though. Especially as a new grad with no experience.

Good point!

Age discrimination is illegal, so worst case scenario is you make a bunch of money off of a lawsuit and retire. :p
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