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About amerasian

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  1. Ready to give up

    Thank you SkateBetty. I am finding out probably tomorrow or Friday. If there's only a way I can do something about it. I've been doing my very best everytime i would take the test but it seems like I...
  2. Ready to give up

    I took my nth Nclex last Dec 10. It shut off at 100-not that it matters. I called the CA-BRN this morning and they told me they mailed out the results last mon. I've been checking the BRN website...
  3. CA results in Dec.

    how do i check it at pearsonvue? not to sound stupid but i thought CA doesn't do it thru them. They jst told me yesterday that there's no results forwarded to them yet. I don't know if that's a good...
  4. CA results in Dec.

    Well, congratulations lawrence01! Great Xmas present, isn't it? I took mine Dec 10 and still no word. Called the BRN yesterday, they said they haven't received any results on the test yet. I...
  5. NCLEX results in California

    Does anyone know if it's a good sign the computer shuts down at 100? Been taking the test for 3 times,all 75, and fourth try is