BarrelOfMonkeys BSN, RN

Enjoying life, one day at a time.

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About BarrelOfMonkeys

Still enjoying life, one day at a time! ?

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  1. BarrelOfMonkeys

    DNP at UWYO?

    Has anyone had any experience in Univ of Wyoming DNP program? I was just trying to gain some insight.
  2. BarrelOfMonkeys

    LGBT Nurses

    I’ve never personally experienced being treated any differently d/t sexual orientation or being a member of the LGBTQ+ community in nursing. I have experienced degradation because I was a male nurse...
  3. BarrelOfMonkeys

    EVV (Electronic Visit Verification) experience?

    Same here.
  4. BarrelOfMonkeys

    EVV (Electronic Visit Verification) experience?

    From what I’m reading in the Medicaid link above this isn’t optional. Or are we taking about the same thing here? It *could* be a device much like a phone but used in the clients home for any...
  5. I just discovered this will become a requirement in HH. Anyone have any experience training on it yet? Heres a link that explains it in depth:...
  6. BarrelOfMonkeys

    Home Health Interview!?

    One thing I’d ask would be how compensation is structured (pay per visit, hourly, salary, and then mileage reimbursement, company car?). -Company compensation does vary greatly so if it’s not...
  7. BarrelOfMonkeys

    Advice for floor nurse moving to home health

    Things I wasn't used to: 1. Pee breaks. Whenever you want. 2. Lunch breaks. Whenever you want. 3. Roaches. Whether you like it or not. 4. Bed bugs. Whether you like it or not. 5. 1:1 patient care....
  8. I know there are several ways HH will compensate and they seem to vary quite a bit. I'm not in your state but I get PPV (pay per visit) + mileage. Period. No car. No MVP status. No free pen. ? PPV...
  9. BarrelOfMonkeys

    Any tips or advice for a new grad/new HH nurse?

    One thing that I wasn’t exactly prepared for when going in to HH was the scheduling. I started out part time and slowly picked up more and more clients so the case load wasn’t a problem....
  10. BarrelOfMonkeys

    Failed NCLEX first time

    What helped me was consistency. I treated studying like I was being paid to do it: same time(s) every day, followed whatever recommended questions per day, took a local live review course, studied...
  11. I’ve certainly been referenced as a female before, like many others. It was clearly by accident/habit even when I’m standing in front of them. Other times they automatically think I’m the doctor...
  12. BarrelOfMonkeys

    Would you be insulted?

    Might I just say, I’m sure that it feels awful to some degree. Who wouldn’t feel slightly uncomfortable in your exact situation knowing the history you two have. Then again, I’m sure many have...
  13. BarrelOfMonkeys

    12 patients for a new grad to much?

    As others have suggested, that’s a light load for SNF. Also working longer shifts (say, 16) will make it seem more stressful. I might suggest NOT picking up extra hours until you feel more...
  14. BarrelOfMonkeys

    Sign On Bonuses

    Great question. I don’t have an answer. Like you, I’ve only noticed them in those same facilities. In the facilities known in my area as “bad” they all have sign on
  15. BarrelOfMonkeys

    HELP!!!!! PANICKING! Career change??

    I’d look at my facility policy on time in position before recommending a move. You definitely don’t want to burn your