NS 1990

NS 1990

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All Content by NS 1990

  1. UTHSCSA Fall 2019

    I do not work, I am lucky enough to not have to work during nursing school. That being said, I know many people in my cohort who have to work and they are able to balance work and school. A girl in my group has twins and works part time and she is do...
  2. UTHSCSA Fall 2019

    It's going along pretty great. It is a big adjustment than what I am used to, but I enjoy it. I've definitely had to change my priorities and make sacrifices to allow some time toward my schooling, but it is only 2 years and it will go by fast. I thi...
  3. UTHSCSA Fall 2019

    Hello all. I am a current nursing student at UTHSCSA, I am in my 1st semester. If y'all have any questions let me know. Also with the Hep B you do need a titer to prove that you are immune. I did have my vaccines when I was a kid, but I was not immun...
  4. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    I am applying to both UIW and UTHSCSA Spring 2019. Anyone else applying? What is everybody stats? If you don't mind me asking. TEAS: 84 Overall: 3.31 gpa Math/ Science: 3.81
  5. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    UT Health SoN Class of Fall 2020 Here is the link again, and inform anybody you know who got accepted as well to join the group. Don't be afraid to discuss and post on the page. We are all here to help each other out and go through this process toget...
  6. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    let me know if you are able to see the group. Hopefully I did it right.
  7. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    UT Health SoN SA class of Fall 2020 Here is the link
  8. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    I really want to start a facebook page and get as much of us as possible. All I need are emails for facebook, so that I can start the group.
  9. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    Immunization Information - Student Health Center - UT Health Science Center-San Antonio Here is a link on their website, and I'm not too sure on their exact date it needs to be completed by. Probably when you accept the offer they will send you more ...
  10. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    Now all we need to do is create a facebook page for us all, so that way we can all stay in touch throughout this process.
  11. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    I just got my acceptance letter from UTHSCSA... everybody check your emails.
  12. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    I called today and they gave me the same response as well.
  13. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    It would be great if they all came out today, but we will see.
  14. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    I have yet to hear anything from them. Minutes are starting to feel like hours now.
  15. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    Yes, I received the email as well. I am so excited. Now all I need to hear from is UTHSCSA.
  16. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    Oh my goodness, another long week wait for us all. It's taking them a little longer than usual compared to past application cycles. I wonder how many applicants there were for this cycle.
  17. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    I have yet to hear anything from UTHSCSA. I'm getting more and more anxious by the minute.
  18. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    I just got a call from UIW to schedule an interview tomorrow. I am so nervous; I have no idea on what to wear, what questions they might ask. Also, I got a call from a "No caller ID", if y'all get that number then answer it, it might be UIW. Good luc...
  19. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    So I received an email from UIW saying that i am under consideration for the program and must complete the fingerprint scan and that they must be done by September 15th. Also, we will receive additional information in September. So everybody applying...
  20. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    Oh. I guess I was just too lazy to read the website lol. Thank you for telling me that. I scheduled my appointment for this monday.
  21. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    I am assuming she applied to both schools since she received the same email and paid the $37.00, but just decided to go with UTH. I am planning on calling UIW to see if they know anything about the fingerprints.
  22. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    I'm not too sure if she got accepted to UIW or even applied, but she currently attends UTHSCSA.
  23. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    Yes, I got the email yesterday and so did my friend who is also applying. Her cousin who applied the last cycle said she had to go put her fingerprints in. I set up my appointment for Monday to get it in as soon as possible.
  24. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    I have not received an email as well, I don't think they are planning on sending emails except for the letters on whether we got accepted/rejected or waitlisted. Sometimes I have to call several times to get ahold of someone.
  25. UTHSCSA/ UIW Spring 2019

    I called UTHSCSA the other day and spoke with the receptionist and he said the acceptance emails will probably be sent out around mid September to late September. Now, I hope that is not true and that it will come earlier. From past forums it seems t...