

Peds ER

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About beepeadoo

beepeadoo has 5 years experience and specializes in Peds ER.

Latest Activity

  1. Heading to Ft. Sam for my Reserve Component BOLC on June 6, just thought I'd see if anyone else on here is heading that way as well... looking forward to it! Also wondered... Does anyone know if...
  2. More!
  3. Trauma Room Staffing (not ratios...)

    Well usually what happens in that event, when we have our usual trauma assignment of 1, is the Charge Nurse and one other nurse from one of the lower acuity areas comes to
  4. Trauma Room Staffing (not ratios...)

    So I work in a Medium Sized Pediatric ER in a free-standing Pediatric Hospital seeing 50k+ pts a year. We have two trauma rooms with two bays each, and we are currently a Level II center. As I am sure...
  5. "Wart on finger" yup. to the ER for a wart. Triage Level: Green Treatment: "Yup that's a wart." Discharge. Total time in room: 5 minutes. Total time in ER: 6
  6. Help filling out a form?

    So I'm completing a form for Reserves (75-R to be exact) and it's asking me for my "Command/Activity" and I'm like :dunno and thought maybe someone in here could give me a clue? Any idea what they're...
  7. Medical Screening Form... how long?

    Thanks so much to all of you. I called the recruitment office directly and then asked if he was still working for them since I was not getting any callbacks. Amazingly, he was, and he had an answer...
  8. So I'm a BSN RN and I'd love to join the Army Reserve. Monetary benefits as well as the challenge interest me. Here's the kicker... I'm older (43) and I have some medical issues. Nothing that keeps me...
  9. acuity assessment tools

    I'm actually in peds, so that works for me. Actually that's pretty good -- a bit long but really along the lines of what I was looking for. I shall keep looking as well.
  10. acuity assessment tools

    Gonna bump this to the top, as it fits my needs, rather that start a new thread. I too am looking for a subjective assessment tool/program/system to assess psychiatric acuity in our Emergency...
  11. High pay, no degree required!

    So the headline says no degree required, but when you read the article, it says no ADVANCED degree required. Hmmm... rather lousy headline writing and very deceptive. Also, when one tries to find...
  12. This is THE time for you to do ICU! If you think you're scared of it, what better way to see what it's REALLY like than to be there for clinical... you'll still have the safety net of your...
  13. Just Fired From My 1st Nursing Job

    I know it's already been said... but I'm gonna throw MTC in anyways: wow what a MESS that was just a disaster waiting to happen. Yes I know you need the money... but as was said: protect your...
  14. Who is taking the NCLEX in September?

    I just registered for Sept 5. Gulp! No worries. No
  15. Two Clinicals at Once?

    It might be a silly question, but I'm wondering if this is unusual, or if I just need to shut up 'n suck it up... I've got Mental Health clinical going right now for the first rotation of the...