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About ChronicallystrongRN

ChronicallystrongRN has 1 years experience.

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  1. HRSA: Is Nurse Corps Scholarship Program Worth It?

    following up, did you end up doing it? Currently exploring this as an RN and now future
  2. Future NP in need of advice

    Hi nursing fam I've officially been an RN for two years as of recent. I've ALWAYS wanted to be an NP. Recent events with a loss and constant job issues has me going back to school for NP. Within...
  3. Sjogren's at 29, almost RN graduate

    Hello I am about to graduate from RN school next month. Without much experience (aside from my 800 clinical hours in the program), what sort of jobs can I get with my disabilities? I have...
  4. Grossmont ADN when I have a Bachelor's already

    I got rejected from two of them in
  5. Grossmont ADN when I have a Bachelor's already

    but Grossmont I can afford and since I already have a Bachelors---I really can't get government assistance getting a second Bachelors. That's why I chose Grossmont :). I just wished I could graduated...
  6. Grossmont ADN when I have a Bachelor's already

    Hello everyone :) I was recently admitted into Grossmont's ADN program that starts in the Spring. I emailed a counselor about the program and wasn't 100% sure on her answer. I received my BA back in...
  7. Grossmont College ADN program Spring 2019

    I got in today! Congratulations you guys!!!!!!! What were your point
  8. Mira Costa, Palomar, etc. Spring 2019 Cohort

    What about Grossmont? What was the avg points for
  9. Grossmont College ADN program Spring 2019

    actually 86 points* WIll that help anything? If they calculate correctly that
  10. Grossmont Fall 2018 Cohort

    sorry to reopen this thread but I read some of you had scores in the 80s but didn't get into Grossmont? How is that
  11. Mira Costa, Palomar, etc. Spring 2019 Cohort

    she told me the same thing with my 85
  12. Grossmont College ADN program Spring 2019

    I'm so nervous. I should have around 84 points if they calculate mine correctly (and aren't too lazy to look at my transcripts to see I have advanced language proficiency) I worry they won't calculate...
  13. Cal State San Marcos ABSN Spring 2017

    Hi Niki, I know you made these posts years ago, but I am freaking out re the point system too!!! I have similar scores as you. I'm still waiting to get everything evaluated. So far, it's not looking...
  14. Fresno State Nursing (BSN) Fall 2018

    Hello, I just applied for Fall 2018 at Fresno. They did not ask or let you tell them about your volunteer experience. I listed those labs with 0 and CR. Does anyone know if you have to send in your AP...
  15. Cumulative GPA

    Wait, why not a 4.0 if you pass? Do MSN programs accept that? I am waiting to see the status of my app to WGU and that is concernug seeing I am seeing this as a fresh start if I grt in and would...