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About charebec65

charebec65 specializes in Peds.

New LPN and and ADN student

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  1. Bohecker College in Ohio

    Can't help you there, sorry. It's a new school in the area. I would check in to its accreditation and to see if the credits will transfer if you choose to go on and get your BSN. There is one of the...
  2. Roll Call, LPN to RN Students!!!

    Hi all. I am in my second quarter of the LPN-RN transition at Sinclair. I started working on my pre-reqs and co-reqs as soon as I finished PN school in Aug. 06 and finished all but one class before...
  3. LPN-RN programs-SINCLAIR!?

    I started the LPN-RN transition at Sinclair in January. It took me 4 semesters to get in but I had pre-reqs to finish up which I did part time while working. I would recommend that anyone do it as...
  4. Cincinnati Pay Rates/Great Oaks Program

    I wouldn't take all of the message you replied to as gospel. I went throught the program at Laurel the year before this person. The instructors were wonderful and went out of their way to help if...
  5. Laurel Oaks Pn Program

    It sounds like you had some of the same student issues that we did in my graduating class. I must agree, the program is great and the Laurel instructors are wonderful. I miss them.... wish I could...
  6. anyone at lpn program at Great Oaks?

    We had it after we graduated in 06 but I believe they were making it a part of the curriculum after that. I went to Laurel and loved it. Am now transitioning LPN to RN while working part
  7. Glen Beck's hospital experience

    What about Beck who refused to be
  8. LPN First or Straight to RN

    I am an LPN working on my RN (ADN). The wait list for schools around here is horrendously long and having had my LPN and another degree meant it took less time to finish pre-reqs and I got into the...
  9. Nurses' Christmas

    That was hilarious! Printed to share...
  10. Anyone with RSD?

    One of my best friends has it and has for quite a few years. He's not been one of the fortunate ones though and has had a really rough course with it. I have chronic pain for other reasons so I can...
  11. you might be from ohio if:

    Please? (Kings Island area
  12. you might be from ohio if:

    My daughter categorically refused to put the 'student driver' sticker on the car. I didn't push it as one coudn't see it well through the window tinting anyway and my other 4 kids did just fine...
  13. What do you think of agency LPNs?

    Wow pageantnurse..... wish I had your job. I do agency and up until recently had a pretty steady, predictable schedule. Now I haven't worked in a couple of weeks. Fortunately I won't starve as my...
  14. OMG, just please kill me now!

    I really don't have any words of advice to add as you have gotten great responses. I'm in my first year of nursing too and it can be intimidating. I do pediatric homecare and even it was ovewhelming...
  15. I don't know about this but when I was in the ER for a relentless migraine and severe back pain, one of the RT's, whom is also a massage therapist, gave me a migraine relieving massage. While it...