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All Content by _nursecare

  1. Ca nclex rn 2018 265q + pvt

    I walked into taking my NCLEX on Friday 2/16 thinking I would get 75 questions because several of my classes were passing at 75... WRONG. I got the full 265! IT. WAS. BRUTAL. I advise not to have ANY expectations of getting 75, prepare for the 265 an...
  2. Ca nclex rn 2018 265q + pvt

    The number of questions you receive does not determine whether you pass or not. You can pass/fail at 75 as well as pass/fail at 265 questions. If your card declined/accepted the payment, that means it's the bad pop up (fail). The good pop up would sa...
  3. Ca nclex rn 2018 265q + pvt

    Hard copy results won't be delivered in the mail for a few weeks I believe. The results we are talking about are seeing our name up on the CA BRN website when you search to verify a license. It took 48 business hours for it to be updated! Hope that h...
  4. Ca nclex rn 2018 265q + pvt

    I saw my name too around 10am! Congrats!! PVT good pop up is truuue to this day haha
  5. took nclex RN in california and failed just need a clarification

    Did you try the Pearson Vue Trick?