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All Content by nurse_girlie

  1. Being harassed while on Vdap

    I know it's been a while. All of the hoop jumping got overwhelming and I faded off after I finally was able to acquire my license. Everything has been...ok. I've been managing well. But, something has arised that I don't know how to handle without so...
  2. Being harassed while on Vdap

    This is what I've been telling myself all morning. That it's not *my* legal trouble. And after esacping an abusive relationship in the past, and knowing the man is still abusive with other women ....I just feel like I have to do this. To protect myse...
  3. Any actual success with attorney?

    My understanding Bradford only does an inpatient program. UAB can do either IOP or inpatient.
  4. Any actual success with attorney?

    I had posted previously about self-disclosing to the BON (like an idiot) while applying for licensure. Got application withdrew so I could focus on school and not have to take on financial hardship. Figured out can't bridge without license. Called a...
  5. Seeking tech job. Should I notify BON?

    Thanks you. I completed LPN program in December and have never been licensed.
  6. Seeking tech job. Should I notify BON?

    I recall my original investigation letter stated that of i were to gain employment in nursing that I am to notify the board. Now that I know it is going to be atleast 3 months (9 more weeks of outpatient and then however long it takes for them to giv...
  7. Nursing home CNA do they drug test?

    I would say don't smoke period whether they do random testing or not. There is always the chance a patient could have an incident on your shift (such as a fall or any number of things) that may require you to be tested. In the nursing realm it is jus...
  8. Keep being told no need for tx

    I guess this is more of a vent and curious to your thoughts on the matter. So I went for my official eval veal and was told there was no need for tx by the lady over my case in that board approved facility. The very next day, after she emailed Ms. Mo...
  9. Keep being told no need for tx

    Indeed. I worked part time waiting tables while going through the nursing program. The business shut down after I completed program. I had worked there for five years and thought the timing was perfect and everything was falling into place. I continu...
  10. How To Survive In A Diversion Or Monitoring Program

    Whaa nekkid bonfires?? I've been doing everything wrong. All of what has been said is good stuff but what really struck me was the documentation of everything. The not believing anything unless you have it in writing. That they will play "fast and lo...
  11. I am beyond frustrated at this system. I finally received a phone call from Ms. Monitoring the end of March. I told her I was willing to do an evaluation and participate in the monitoring program. Whatever it takes to have a clean license. She said s...
  12. Keep being told no need for tx

    $$$. The 3000 dollars I spent on the evaluation, 300 dollars in gas, and 150 in childcare wiped my savings.
  13. Keep being told no need for tx

    So I went today to purchase work book and again expressed my concerns. That lady isn't budging. She said the program i'd be attending once a week for 12 weeks IS an outpatient program and that I did not need anything intensive. I sure will be back to...
  14. Keep being told no need for tx

    Very wise...very wise. Thank you.
  15. IPN Neuropsych Eval

    1 grand for a scantron and the questionnaire that says don't print on so they can reuse it
  16. IPN Neuropsych Eval

    I had one last week. There were about 600 true or false questions. They were related to things I liked or disliked, my social preferences, what I'd call "emotion management", if I loved my parents lol, and past/current substance use. There were verba...
  17. The Business of Recovery

    Thanks! I went back for the cognitive testing today. And this doctor also said there was no recommendation for tx. He said I performed well. And that if there is nothing to treat (as I have been in recovery for years) then there is nothing to treat! ...
  18. The Business of Recovery

    I hear you. It's devastating for me, my kid, and well my family is pretty devastated for me. My mind just keeps screaming sentence me to some counseling, AS meetings and you'll know **** sure I'm not drinking with your high dollar drug testing. How c...
  19. The Business of Recovery

    From the nursing grad with 3 yrs sobriety under her belt that washonest with the board: No advocacy. Punish. Bankrupt. I went for my eval last week. On the third day, the woman who is over the healthcare professionals/my case while at that facility f...
  20. My Guide to TPAPN

    As a nurse grad facing contract I found the tips related to specimen collections and getting signed copies of the collection document helpful. Thanks.
  21. Finally recieved received more communication

    I called both board and facility relentlessly today. Left messages. Hit someone with an email (one of those things that can't be twisted) with dates, times and messages left. I go this Monday. Scary stuff, but I am sort of becoming more accepting of ...
  22. Finally recieved received more communication

    The facility closes at 4. I've called 4 times. Here's to hoping this will be arranged tomorrow. It just stresses me out more because I was told to call back today for arrangements.... who is to say that person will even be there tomorrow
  23. Finally recieved received more communication

    I was able to contact evaluation center and have a conversation. A few things. I was asked why I said I was on a deadline and needed to schedule this by Monday (that was me politely asking for a quick call back on voicemail). I figured if I was like ...
  24. Finally recieved received more communication

    If you don't mind me asking- were the circumstances similar for your evaluation and not having got ordered for treatment? I know my drug tests will all come back clean and I have indeed been sober since 2015. But, I'm afraid it's not going to be enou...
  25. Finally recieved received more communication

    And I did speak to a lawyer specializing in dealing with the BON, and she said there was probably nothing she could do to help me. An attorney nearer my hometown had said it would be 5 grand if my case went to a hearing. And it's looking like that wo...