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  1. ANY Case Managers at United Health?

    I worked as a CM @ UHC. Then moved up the ranks ( I got out) until I was in a massive layoff ( our jobs really were just a layer) Compared to many companies the pay is okay, you do get an extra week...
  2. Work your 6 months..then apply for the other position. If you get an interview..then tell your manager. Most companies require you to tell your current manager before an interview some companies...
  3. CE for CCM exam

    I get mine through the unlimited ones through
  4. Work from home? What companies to look at?

    I didn't realize split shif.ts was a bad
  5. Work from home? What companies to look at?

    Wellpoint has case management working split *****. You can also try united healthcare
  6. ANY Case Managers at United Health?

    What department are you interviewing for that you do field visits? Is it for
  7. Can't believe the difficulty hiring CMs

    Tried to send you a PM but your mailbox is full. Is your position telephonic that you can work from anywhere? I am a certified case manager and am considering a change
  8. Fraudulent visits - yes I brought it up!

    Why wouldn't you assign this LPN a realistic number of visits and no more? Medicare fraud will land her in prison, maybe others who had knowledge and did not report
  9. Putting in my letter of resignation today

    Good luck. Just went through the same thing. Working 60plus hours a week and no end to it, affecting my health. Taking a break, not sure what to do next as I have been out of the hospital for
  10. Do I tell my manager?

    Do not share your diagnosis. You are protected in the workplace and do not have to share. If you are able to show you are more available for work then do so. Then you may have a chance for another...
  11. After Nursing: Is There Life Out There?

    In the same situation, in my 50's, in a high level administration job and can't continue these hours for health reasons. Before I took this position I wasn't considered for the hospital or even in any...
  12. Most case management jobs require it. I really don't think you can study for it but there are some online study programs. I studied, passed, but not from studying just from my overall
  13. ANY Case Managers at United Health?

    Be forewarned they have been doing a lot of layoffs. If you make your calls, do your job, engage members it really is not a hard job. Hopefully they will not outsource to the Phillipines like...
  14. I dropped out. Please console me

    It's just not the right time in your life you have identified that you need classroom learning, you are enjoying your life now and like your job. Plus finances are good for you now. Sounds like you...
  15. should I include this experience on resume

    I wouldn't include it since it was such a short period of