BrisketRN BSN, RN

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All Content by BrisketRN

  1. BrisketRN

    What Has Been an Upside to Covid?

    My husband's company realized that his team is more productive working from home, so his role has been switched to fully remote. This means we're moving out of the expensive city we live in (since he doesn't need to live near work) to an area where ...
  2. BrisketRN

    Med Usage

    Has anyone here seen Focalin prescribed for GAD? I got paperwork for a new daily med and am quite confused. No ADHD diagnosis.
  3. My cousin is a dietician for a large school district. From my understanding the majority of her job is figuring out ways to get meals for high allergy/extreme food intolerance kids to fit into USDA standards. So maybe asking about their experience ...
  4. BrisketRN

    Got My Vaccine Yesterday

    I got Pfizer #1! It was nothing--maybe a headache, but that went away with Advil. I went to my pcp on Monday, and she told me that for her and her colleagues Pfizer #2 was rough. She told me to take 650mg Tylenol immediately after my vaccine, then ...
  5. BrisketRN

    Second guessing myself

    Unless there was something horribly wrong (like the foot was facing the wrong way) I don't see why you wouldn't remove the boot to assess. I agree with those above, parents are just seeing if they can get someone else to pay. You did everything by ...
  6. BrisketRN

    COVID-19: Calculating Quarantines/Isolations

    Day 1 is onset of symptoms. I get confused a lot too, so I just add the number of days of isolation/quarantine to the date. 1/11 + 10 days= 1/21 is day #10/last day of isolation. They can return to school 1/22.
  7. BrisketRN

    COVID-19: Antibody testing vs Positive Test

    Per our state guidelines the student would only get out of quarantine if proof of positive COVID test in the 90 days before possible exposure. We've had to quarantine students and teachers who had COVID more than 90 days before exposure. Bummer, bu...
  8. This really hit me. Both the article and the experiences shared here. Thank you for sharing.
  9. BrisketRN

    Will you take the Pfizer Covid Vaccine?

    I'm not in California, but my city totally forgot about our school nurses. I'm connected with a lot of our nearby school nurses via an email chain. One nurse found out that a local pharmacy was giving vaccines for EMS/fire/police and phoned them. ...
  10. BrisketRN

    Will you take the Pfizer Covid Vaccine?

    Wow! That is exciting. I think I remember you're at a private school, right? If it were me I'd take the astrazeneca because my current fear is that the private school nurses are going to be left in the dust when everyone else is vaccinated.
  11. BrisketRN

    Christmas Gift Commiseration Thread

    Admin gave me a giant thing of chocolate this year. Seriously...not going to fit in my pants once I finish that off. My worst gift was when I worked home health. They gave us $5 starbucks gift cards. My best gift was a mom of FFs handed me a box ...
  12. BrisketRN

    Will you take the Pfizer Covid Vaccine?

    Huge thank you to your daughter!
  13. BrisketRN

    Will you take the Pfizer Covid Vaccine?

    I am excited for you! I hope you get that dose!
  14. BrisketRN

    Developing a School Policy

    I second @JoJoGo copy and paste exactly from your LHD. If your principal isn't cooperative I'd try to get your LHD rep to talk to them. Also even if CDC recommends something that doesn't change your state or local HD guidelines for schools. Mine s...
  15. BrisketRN

    Will you take the Pfizer Covid Vaccine?

    Yes, I will 100% get the vaccine as soon as it is offered to me. From my understand the WH stepped back from being the first ones getting the vaccine due to criticism as they aren't "highest risk." So it's going to front-line workers and staff/resi...
  16. At my school they're allowing HS teachers to teach virtually with no staff in the classroom. Only about 50% of our HS kids come in--most opt for virtual at home. At this point our principal is subbing for MS/HS classes most of the day. Our VP taug...
  17. BrisketRN

    Frustrated about covid symptoms. Does everyone need to go home?

    I find that the best way to deal with parents is to commiserate. "I know, it seems silly to have to pick a child up for a mild symptom, but we've been given these guidelines by the health department and we have to follow them if we want to stay open....
  18. Yes the school is still open & they managed to get a sub. I have no idea how!
  19. Wow! Things are crazy here. Too many families traveled and gathered for Thanksgiving, and our admin spent the morning sending kids home because we have to follow a strict travel mandate. Unfortunately, I have now tested positive despite taking all ...
  20. BrisketRN

    Frequent Flyers

    This is awesome. Our cleaners are more focused on spraying down surfaces & my corners have become very dusty. You're getting me thinking...
  21. BrisketRN


    Lucky. I've got two days next week. Hoping for no contact tracing over the weekend. ?
  22. BrisketRN

    Please Read: Fired from first nursing job

    Yes I was private duty/home health (for some reason they had an issue with calling it PD) with an excellent new grad program. Step into any job carefully.
  23. BrisketRN

    Please Read: Fired from first nursing job

    You will find another job. You aren't a failure. You are a person who had a major setback. Apply! Apply to different areas. Maybe you need a smaller hospital or a different setting. I got fired during my residency probationary period. I felt l...
  24. BrisketRN

    Sick Student Policy

    A parent let me know that one of our larger peds offices has a "COVID" waiting room and a "well" waiting room. Her child had one mild symptom but still needed a test, and she was terrified to put her child & herself in the COVID waiting room. A...
  25. BrisketRN

    Sick Student Policy

    The majority children who have tested positive for COVID at my school have not had any respiratory symptoms. Most had no symptoms (tested due to exposure), GI symptoms, or headache. Only two have had respiratory symptoms.