BrisketRN BSN, RN

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All Content by BrisketRN

  1. BrisketRN

    Menstrual changes following vaccine?

    Hmm...this is interesting. There are some studies on how COVID infection changed sex hormones and menstruation in the short-term for 1/5 of women of childbearing age. I wonder if it's related. I have PCOS and only got off birth control this fall, ...
  2. BrisketRN

    Epi pens and stomach pain

    Almost all of my allergy kids have GI symptoms first (typically stomach ache followed by vomiting within minutes of eating allergen). Honestly, they usually tell me if it's allergy even when they're young. I had a third grader vomit last week. Fir...
  3. BrisketRN

    How has your role as a school nurse changed with COVID?

    New things I'm in charge of: Keeping track of all COVID-related updates from the state dept of health, city dept of health, and state board of education Contact tracing for new positive cases Contacting staff & students in qua...
  4. BrisketRN

    Staff Vaccines

    My state started phase 1B yesterday which includes childcare workers & K-12 staff. Three of our nearby schools have either had their first vaccine clinic or set them up for this week. I've been in contact with the dept of health, a local provid...
  5. BrisketRN

    Staff Vaccines

    Yes we've had no known transmission within our school except for siblings & spouses (we have a few sets of married/dating teachers). Our local health department has prioritized vaccinating the schools that have had outbreaks. Our staff feels li...
  6. BrisketRN

    Itchy Casts

    I can hear my med surg nursing professor yelling NOOOO NOTHING IN THE CAST! LOL
  7. BrisketRN

    Tired of being "the bad guy"...

    We do all of our contact tracing too. In the beginning of the school year the health dept would call the confirmed case parent and collect any other information needed. It's gotten to the point that the positive case never hears from the dept of he...
  8. BrisketRN

    SECOND nurses office?!

    I'm paid salary, and I am contracted to work each day students are in the building for class plus 10 staff training days annually. We do not have Summer school, but we do have Summer camp & camps over Spring/Winter breaks. I could work camps as...
  9. BrisketRN

    What Has Been an Upside to Covid?

    I did invasalign in 2019. Kicking myself now because I could have done braces this year and no one would know!
  10. BrisketRN

    Tired of being "the bad guy"...

    ANYTHING to ski! I swear!
  11. BrisketRN

    Tired of being "the bad guy"...

    We've had so many little ones tattle on their parents. It kills me when the kids share with us that they were INSTRUCTED to lie. "Mom told me I have to say we went near Wisconsin to ski this weekend because if I say I went to Wisconsin then we have...
  12. BrisketRN

    C'Mon Now!

    GUYS! Now I've been updated by that teacher that all the kids today (who are still quarantined) were chatting about how they went on weekend trips last weekend. Too bad our local health department doesn't follow through on fines for violations. TG...
  13. BrisketRN

    The teachers are losing it!

    I would reach out to human resources and see if they can provide staff with any sort of mental health support through your school. At the end of the day, the purpose of a school nurse is to serve the health needs of the children. At times you may n...
  14. BrisketRN

    If you have gotten your COVID Vaccine...

    I had my first Pfizer on 1/2/21, no side effects. Second Pfizer 1/22/21, vaccine given at 4PM, no symptoms until 4AM then I had about 12 hours of flu-like symptoms, low-grade fever, diarrhea, upset stomach, headache, fatigue. At 4PM on 1/23 I f...
  15. BrisketRN

    Staff Vaccines

    I think the pandemic in general has brought out the nutty in some nuts. I swear I've seen some people in my life who I used to think were rational, caring adults spout off some extreme nonsense. Most of our teachers, especially those juggling t...
  16. BrisketRN

    C'Mon Now!

    Soooo...because other parents are knowingly sending their child to school with a pandemic virus, then you to are allowed to send your child in to infect even more students with said pandemic virus?
  17. BrisketRN

    Staff Vaccines

    Thanks everyone. My principal has told all staff to stop bothering me about vaccines ? I've shared with a few confidants what's been going on and man are they out there getting angry for me. I'm so thankful to have this space to vent to people who...
  18. BrisketRN

    Staff Vaccines

    Oh, you know, I'm here to serve them 24/7. It really is only a few (it's a group who are friends banded up to destroy me). I have so many truly wonderful coworkers and teachers who work with me, and I with them, to get the safest care for our ...
  19. BrisketRN

    Staff Vaccines

    Yep. Goes straight to my principal to handle.
  20. BrisketRN

    C'Mon Now!

    I have a class out quarantining. I emailed to check in & give a reminder of return date. A parent said "we went away this weekend for a sports tournament, can we return on the original day or do we need to quarantine for travel?" You sent your...
  21. BrisketRN

    Tired of being "the bad guy"...

    Yes, being the brunt of the anger is tough. I've shed more tears this year for this job than I ever had in the 3 prior years. I promise I am just trying to keep our school safe and open. The thing is most parents are great but getting yelled at ev...
  22. BrisketRN

    Got My Vaccine Yesterday

    So y'all, I got my 2nd Pfizer vaccine this weekend. Weirdest side effect--the lymph node in the armpit of the arm I got the shot in is swollen. It's like the size of a large grape. So strange. It is a normal side effect but definitely not one I h...
  23. BrisketRN

    Anyone familiar with this training...?

    YES! I did SNECC the Summer between my 2nd & 3rd year of school nursing. Mine went through Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago and it was in-person so half of the appeal was getting together with 30 other school nurses to bounce ideas off of eac...
  24. BrisketRN

    What Has Been an Upside to Covid?

    I'm so sorry you lost your dog. It's tough and too often people just don't "get" the heartbreak (unless you're surrounded by hardcore dog lovers). Funny thing about the beach--I though my dog would love it but he hated it so much. Loved being ...
  25. BrisketRN

    What Has Been an Upside to Covid?

    ❤️❤️ I am so sorry you lost your pup, but so happy he was able to be with you in his last month.