BrisketRN BSN, RN

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All Content by BrisketRN

  1. BrisketRN

    Using music to teach healthy habits

    Love it! I made a hand washing song last year for elementary, and the fifth graders wanted nothing to do with it ?
  2. Wowza, I don't think my husband and I could afford a mortgage on a $350k house and we're DINKs. We're closing on a small, slightly ugly, imperfect ranch next month. Maybe you just need poorer or more frugal friends ? the comparison blues are real!
  3. BrisketRN

    Frequent Flyers

    Totally agree--it's that fine line between addressing an issue and enabling them to miss out on class time. I find myself teetering on that at times. This is why it's so important that every school has a nurse and a social worker/guidance counselor...
  4. BrisketRN

    Opening Texas

    My sister-in-law told me she wasn't sending her kids to school this year (chose homeschooling) then I found out it's because she doesn't feel comfortable making her kids wear masks. They see all their friends (plus strangers) in the neighborhood at ...
  5. BrisketRN

    NBCSN test tomorrow!!

    The real question is--how much did they expect you to know about testing the air quality? ? That's the stuff in the books that I've never even considered doing in real life.
  6. I wonder if when the vaccine is approved for under 16 the health dept will step in to help with vaccinating students in school. This is what happened in IL during the H1N1 vaccination.
  7. I probably would because I'm a pushover, but yes more money needed and probably a sub nurse in my office because I can only do one job at a time!
  8. BrisketRN

    NBCSN test tomorrow!!

    You've got this! Let us know how it goes. I plan to take it next round.
  9. BrisketRN

    Diabetes Delegated Care Aides

    We have annual diabetes training for staff. I did that this year. Luckily the teachers we'd be training have gone through the diabetes training with me and with a diabetic educator in past years. This is for a newly diagnosed diabetic. When I ask...
  10. BrisketRN

    Diabetes Delegated Care Aides

    Do you train delegated care aides yourself or do you have a diabetes educator come in? The law in my state allows either. I'm trying to decide which route to go.
  11. BrisketRN

    Staying or Going?

    I'm going to be leaving my current position after June. I'm hoping to find another school nurse position. I'm only changing jobs because I'm moving about an hour away. My school has handled COVID very well, so I might be throwing myself in the fir...
  12. BrisketRN

    meningococcal b info

    Find someone who wants to make fridge magnets? They can glue something to the front.
  13. BrisketRN

    Does being a nurse make you feel like a good person?

    You've really got me thinking. I'm a school nurse at an affluent private school. I'm not serving an underprivileged population in any way, but when I'm able to use my skills and expertise to help a parent navigating their child's new diagnosis or h...
  14. BrisketRN

    Do you keep medications for school staff?

    Yes, it was a precedent set years before I came. Ibuprofen, Tylenol, and Tums are available to staff. I point to the cabinet when they ask for medicine (not kept with student meds). I do not give advice on how much to take. They're adults who can...
  15. BrisketRN

    What are some of your office policies?

    I do a lot of hallway visits. Teacher will phone me, I'll assess the child in the hallway to determine if they're staying in class, going to my office, or going to the isolation area. The first few weeks were the hardest because parents were still ...
  16. BrisketRN


    We're K-12, have been open since late August. No known transmission within the school. No outbreaks even when our community transmission rates were BAD. That being said, we are in a very new building that easy switched to HEPA filters and we have ...
  17. BrisketRN

    Constipation Station

    I don't know if it's because I'm investigating every small complaint now or if these kids aren't getting enough fiber, but I have so many constipated littles. Parents usually are giving some sort of over-the-counter treatment at home, but I'm wonder...
  18. BrisketRN

    The N95 Battle

    I blame some of the crazy internet articles. I had a teacher send me and the principal an article urging the public to wear N95s. No scientific backing of course.
  19. We do the same. For the young ones it's really hard to tell if they've been within 6 ft for 15 minutes throughout the day because they're passing by each other in the classroom, standing in line for the toilets and need to be reminded to stay on the...
  20. BrisketRN

    The N95 Battle

    My sister is a middle school teacher and told me that they were supplied with 1 large N95 a week. A (non-medical) staff member was going around, as directed by the administration, trying to convince staff members to wear the same N95 all week instea...
  21. BrisketRN

    What are off-limit medications for school setting?

    Illinois too. I believe the consensus now is that it can be given but doesn't have to be given. I was advised that if it comes up and administration OK's it, then have them give it. No one has tried to get me to administer marijuana yet, so I hone...
  22. BrisketRN

    Free CEUs?

    Does your state association of school nurses have anything? I know most states you get onto their ASN as long as you have a NASN account. I watch the annual presentations from the dept of health and board of edu for a few credit hours.
  23. BrisketRN

    Remote learning the old fashioned way

    I read somewhere that this was Chicago 1937. Makes me wonder if my grandma had any of these radio lessons. She would have been 9 in 1937. She told me some VERY interesting school stories from that time, but never anything about no school due to po...
  24. BrisketRN

    How has your role as a school nurse changed with COVID?

    I'm in that same situation. Teachers are currently eligible & my local health department won't give answers or even a logical response to when we will be able to vaccinate at school.
  25. BrisketRN

    doubting myself...

    I would look at his Asthma Action Plan or any orders from the doctor. If he took albuterol, had stable vital signs, and was in the "green" zone (doing well) then I would keep him at school.