Constipation Station

Specialties School


I don't know if it's because I'm investigating every small complaint now or if these kids aren't getting enough fiber, but I have so many constipated littles.  Parents usually are giving some sort of over-the-counter treatment at home, but I'm wondering if there are any other interventions we can do at school.  I've rigged a box of ice packs as a homemade squatty potty in my office, offer a 5-10 minute rest with a heat pack on the belly, and encourage hydration (as well as letting teacher know the student will likely be using the bathroom more frequently than usual).  Anything else I can do?

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

I offer many of the same interventions.  Small stool in my bathroom, offering a kid a picture book, encouraging fluids, encouraging a few laps around the gym.  I just read something about having the bound up kiddo blow bubbles while sitting on the pot to help them relax.  Haven't tried it yet, but it sounds like it's worth investing in some bubbles.  

Specializes in pediatrics, school nursing.

I haven't had a seriously constipated kiddo in a while, but the last time I did, when I let the student stay to try and evacuate, the teachers started to complain that she was spending too much time in my office ?

I think long-term solutions will help more if they're constipated that often. Encouraging a habit of daily exercise and frequent hydration, rather than them only drinking extra or moving more when they feel constipated. Of course developing healthy habits is very hard for any patient, pediatric or adult, as there is a tendency to prefer quick-fix tricks to their problems. Sounds like you're doing all you can, good luck!

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