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All Content by kdburrow

  1. Tidewater Community College Spring 2018

    Also random question but I'm in the process of starting the long to do list and I'm confused about the drug testing process if anyone knows. Do we go to any facility whenever we want or do they assign us somewhere/certain times. The packet didn't see...
  2. Tidewater Community College Spring 2018

    I think I added the right person! If not Kristen burrow
  3. Tidewater Community College Spring 2018

    Does anyone know or heard how the classes go for spring start? Like days, times, etc? I'm guessing it is what's online when you search for the courses but they have the classes offered different days, different times. I am interested into doing concu...
  4. Tidewater Community College Spring 2018

    jjnmays I am sure you will get in! I had 90.5 hesi, bachelor's and a 3.75 gpa and got in! If you don't hear something soon I would contact because mail should be getting to you not much later than it did us!
  5. Tidewater Community College Spring 2018

    I got into cohort 3!! Can't wait to meet everyone at orientation and get the semester started!
  6. Tidewater Community College Spring 2018

    It seems crazy that they only accept about 60-80 from all applicants. I would think more people would have the higher hesi scores and other requirements. I wonder how they determine who gets the spots. In the past it seems like people have been accep...
  7. Tidewater Community College Spring 2018

    If you're accepted does the letter have I formation on what the next step is, orientation, etc?
  8. Tidewater Community College Spring 2018

    Jsnow2018...where do you live?!
  9. Tidewater Community College Spring 2018

    Oh okay! I live by Greenbrier mall. Hoping to get mine soon!
  10. Tidewater Community College Spring 2018

    Congrats on getting in. Where do you live?! You got your acceptance letter early!
  11. Tidewater Community College Spring 2018

    Do they take 32 for cohort 3 and 32 for cohort 4 or just 32 between the two?!