School health, pediatrics

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All Content by OhioBPH

  1. PRN work for the summer

    To stay PRN at the hospital system here you need to be available at least 24 hours over 6 weeks. So over the school year I'm available only those 24 hours (we can break it into 4 hour chunks if we want, or be available 2 12s over 6 weeks), then durin...
  2. Go to the nurse.

    "I need to call my mom for x" X has been anything from tums to advil to pants to the cancelled track meet. Most of these kids have cell phones in their hand when they get here.
  3. Noise control

    For several reasons I would like to reduce the level of noise in the clinic. I am right in the office, so between classes the volume goes WAY up from the kiddos and teachers in the halls. Also, some kids come in running their mouths with their frien...
  4. Tri-C ADN to CSU BSN

    I am finishing my bachelor's in public health in May, and plan to apply for the fall 18 evening/weekend cohort at tri-c. The plan, then, is to roll directly into the CSU online BSN. Any ideas, feedback, preparation advice, etc. would be greatly appre...
  5. Tri-C ADN to CSU BSN

    yes, I have provisional placement in the Evening East cohort for fall of '18.
  6. Want to vent about nursing schools in general

    This. I changed to an online only program from pre-nursing before due to my work schedule and the clinical schedule in nursing. Eventually I realized that I would need something else so I could apply for the evening track. Evenings mean clinicals tha...
  7. Advice

    What type of nursing degree would you be pursuing? That will have a big effect on what kind of work you do. But what you really should be thinking about is if you can care for people every day you work. If your heart's not in taking care of people yo...
  8. School Health Policies

    Our policies for who should stay home, who will be sent home, and how meds are given is in the student handbook and on the website. However, we have department policies regarding every aspect of the job, but as far as I know they are not accessible ...
  9. Med Schedule

    Ours have to be given within 30 mins of the ordered time, so my 11am meds can be given from 10:30-11:30. In this window I work with the student to figure out the best time. Ideally it will be during their lunch, but some students come between classes...
  10. Rotations????

    The only was I can see this making sense is if there are classrooms getting pained or new carpet. Or if the whole grade needs to have a class together for some reason.
  11. Counting Down

    45 days (counting today), and only 4 til break.
  12. School Nurse Concerns

    I just wanted to add, if you think about this big picture is it better to have a less qualified staff in a school or have no one. We all know of schools that the secretary takes care of the kids during the day. This is far from ideal.
  13. School Nurse Concerns

    Our district is staffed by our district RN, an RN at the high school, a couple schools have LPNs, and the rest of us (7) are medical assistants. My opinion of this depends on the competency of everyone. If you have medical assistants who understand t...
  14. Staff Shots?

    Did he take them out with his teeth, and use a shoe to clean up? Man o man.
  15. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    see ya on the flip flop
  16. Best Children's Hospital in Ohio

    Akron Children's has slim pickings because they are a dedicated peds hospital. The benefits are pretty good, but a bit more expensive than UH. Where are UH you can get in another department and tranfer to peds after a year, Akron you'll have to wait ...
  17. Subcutaneous and IM injections.

    In my expeince any time this happens its due to lack of knowledge about the proper placement of the injection, not an accedent due to slightly flawed technique. For example, subq vaccines given in the deltoid are due to not knowing which should be gi...
  18. Flu Vaccine for 2018-19

    I think you are on the right track. Is there any difference in what is left? I.E. allergens (egg), storage, etc? I had always given flulaval and fluzone in peds primary care (VFC contract and hospital contract) but this year our school clinic gave fl...
  19. Pre-ABSN Student, worried I may not be en route

    Look into information sessions for the programs you are interseted in. The program I looked into offered this as a webinar, and it answered all of my questions. What is taken into consideration for acceptance, what pre-reqs have to be done before app...
  20. Sharps Containers

    Also, you can call your local waste department, there is a weight limit for biohazardous waste that can be disposed of in normal trash as long as it is safely packaged and appropriately lableled.
  21. C'Mon Now!

    Yeah,that's how I had a student take a syringe out, he just probably tipped it and fiddled weith the lever thing. Mine is now locked in a wall cabinet (and I don't think I have a key).
  22. Personal mental health

    Yall, I'm tired. I have a bad headache. Living in Ohio in winter is hard, and it drags most of us down. This combined with some of the various incidents recently (one of my daily med kids got suspended for a fake bomb threat, the week prior to that ...
  23. The long, scenic route

    So, as a Medical Assistant working in school health, who is graduating with a Bachelor Degree in Public Health in May, I am ready to share something with you guys. I am applying for nursing school in the fall! I will be applying for an ADN program wi...
  24. When is your Spring Break & what are you doing?

    Mine starts 3/26, and I'm taking my son to Denver to visit my sister for the week.
  25. The long, scenic route

    I got in! I have been provisionally accepted into the Fall 2018 cohort!