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All Content by tg1545

  1. U of Calgary Accelerated 2018 January

    Hi guys, I went in today and they have 22 spots left for the transfer route but theyre still behind! they told me that they will not be lowering the average until next week probably and probably only to a 3.5 then. I'm at a 3.39 and am 8th on the wai...
  2. U of Calgary Accelerated 2018 January

    what was your gpa if u dont mind me asking
  3. U of Calgary Accelerated 2018 January

    hey for the transfer people: I went into the department today and the senior admission officer told me that there are 30 spots availible for winter semester; 5 acceptances have been given out therefore only 25 spots left. there were 125 applicants an...
  4. U of Calgary Accelerated 2018 January

    Kenobi, what was your gpa?
  5. U of Calgary Accelerated 2018 January

    emailed admissions and they got back to me on Friday saying that they are sending out offers for those 3.6 and above! good luck everyone :)