If there is socialized medicine in the US, our RN licenses will not be worth the paper they are printed on. How much are the nurses making in countries where socialized medicine is
I am getting a new job and I was told I have to take a PPDS test. It is for critical care and it tests things like PE, MI, etc. You have to write down all the information you know about them..what...
"I enjoy what I do and have no regrets about my decision to pursue ACNP. However, I have to admit that the pay doesn't seem to commensurate the amount of work we do." Do you think it is because they...
"However, salary is the not the main reason to pursue an APN degree." Maybe not THE main reason but nurses should start taking this more seriously. Nurses should really quit thinking that pushing...
This kind of thing is such a joke. "Doctor, the patient's left pupil is blown, and he is bleeding out of his ears. Can I get an order to treat his disturbed energy
I am an RN and I work in an SICU...Moslty neuro. I am moving and I am thinking of going to graduate school. I was actually thinking of doing both. That is an CNS and an FNP. I really like the neuro...
Has anyone ever heard of someone that has done this? Would there be any advantages to being an adult CNS and getting a post-masters certificate as an FNP? (Flexibility, greater earning potential,...