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All Content by ArtfulGem

  1. Have a patient that requires two people. Where I work, it's very high school. Cliques everywhere and if you aren't in their clique it either takes forever to get help or they never do. Anyways, she, let's call her Dummie, Dummie decided to finally co...
  2. Coworker refused to help me and then reported me!

    Thanks so much for this. I don't try to fit in at work but it gets depressing at times and I work full time so having someone who is friendly is at least nice. And they're all older than me (ten plus years) putting them in an age range where this sho...
  3. To start, I did forget to lock the wheelchair when the resident was in the bathroom. I did and that was my fault. I was with my preceptor and he kept running in and out the room to get supplies that should've been prepped. While he was running to get...
  4. Working as a cna in high school

    I'm currently a CNA while I'm high school. I got the job because I use to be a waitress in the retirement home I currently work at so I easily switched over. It's hard and difficult honestly. It's worth it and it's a great learning experience at this...