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All Content by nmr79

  1. On a Roll !!!!

    Oh wow, you're ready for the bell to ring!
  2. Happy FriYAY

    Also, I'm eating a hodgepodge of leftovers from my fridge, so I'm jealous of Time to Dine! I love that idea, too.
  3. Happy FriYAY

    I'm so ready for the weekend! Who has fun plans? My daughter has a violin lesson tomorrow (it's seriously her favorite time of the week, so it sets the weekend off on a good note). I'm also meeting up with the kids who I used to nanny for in colle...
  4. Lost my husband on Holiday Break

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I agree that there is no "correct" way to grieve. Are your sons in school nearby, where you can spend time with them?
  5. What State are you in and when is your next break?

    Same here:)
  6. List all the Nursing Hats you have worn

    I've been a nurse for almost 16 years- Med-Surg (brief) Emergency Dept (brief- liked the job, hated the hours) Mental Health (I've worked on a geriatric unit, general adult psych, and an adolescent behavioral health unit- I liked all three) Outpatien...
  7. C'Mon Now!

    Oh jeez! I'm sure mom won't be reachable today, when you try to set things straight!
  8. It hit 60 degrees today!

    Don't worry, it's going to drop 40 degrees by tomorrow! Mud city today, black ice tomorrow.
  9. I passed!!

  10. Is 1:1 school nursing worth the pay cut?

    Honestly, my migraines have decreased in frequency, my family and I get along better now, my husband no longer has to do most of the parenting, and I never have to worry about missing holidays. I worked f/t 3-11 shift. I loved the patients, and I l...
  11. Subbing at my son's elementary and the district

    I'm relatively new to school nursing (this is my first year). I met with the nurse at the end of last year (she was a long-term sub, and worked at least 2 days a week in my office, so she had a good handle on the kids here). She gave me a rundown ...
  12. School nursing to the rescue

    Ha! Way to call her out!
  13. making friends in 2018

    I love the title of this post :)
  14. New Year, Same Stuff.

    This is my first day back. It's slow, which is nice. We have a few student with skiing injuries from break, but nothing too crazy. Also, a lot of my vision/hearing referrals have returned their paperwork after seeing doctors over break. Yay! I ...
  15. Holy pay cut shock!

    Yep. It's so worth it, though, if you can make it work. It took me a few years of saving from working two jobs. I just had 2 weeks off with no worry about work. I do not miss the crazy schedule of hospital nursing!
  16. Settling in...

    Welcome! I start my break in 7 hours-- can't wait!
  17. Christmas break, when do you start yours?

    Me, too! I cannot wait!
  18. The mile run-- hold me!

    Ugh. The kids have their mile run today. I have had literally 25 kids in here, trying to get me to write them passes for gym. I don't write passes unless they have a note from home with a clear reason why they can't participate. The students and...
  19. Holiday presents rolling in already!

    I got a check from the PTO. 170.00. I'll take it! At the hospital, we get a cafeteria dinner for free, so anything is nice. I like how the PTO does it in our district-- they send a letter to the families stating that they are collecting for the sp...
  20. Non-compliance procedure

    Same here.
  21. Christmas break, when do you start yours?

    The bell rings at 3:30, I'm supposed to stay until 4. I may slip out early. I really hope none of the kids decided that they need to do anything silly that afternoon. My patience is fried this week.
  22. Christmas break, when do you start yours?

    I still have 2.5 more days! We have so many kids out with flu-like symptoms, and I'm tired!
  23. The mile run-- hold me!

    In HS, we had an option to take Leadership PE, which was fun. We each had a partner, and got to pick and teach a unit. We did roller skating, cross country skiing (we were next to a golf club that uses the property for skiing in winter, and we were...
  24. C'Mon Now!

    I just had two 7th grade boys come in after they bumped heads while swing dancing in gym class. They were not assigned to be partners, but decided to spin around and get so dizzy that they bumped heads. Both were laughing, as was the gym teacher. I...
  25. Smart Watches

    We don't, but I feel like it should head that way. Smart watches shouldn't be used, either, in my opinion. We do have a kid with seizures, and he has software hooked up with his phone to a smart watch, that can detect possible seizure activity. Of...