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About Mbshil

Mbshil has 4 years experience and specializes in Trauma/Ortho/Neuro.

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  1. In my facility new grads are not supposed to float for twelve months. Experienced nurses after three
  2. Is it too late for me?

    I was finished with my ADN program at the age of 48.ANd let me tell you , I did not regret it. I had the advantage that when I entered a patient's room, patients automatically trusted me and felt...
  3. I was just selected as Nurse of the Year, and my photo will be placed on a poster in our hospital. QUite frankly I am somewhat embarrassed and nervous about it. I was excited about being selected but...
  4. Precepting...am I ready?

    I think you will be fine as a preceptor. I attended a workshop not too long ago, and research shows that the best preceptors , are the ones with 1- 5 years experience.if you have more experience it is...
  5. Boredom in long-term patients!

    I really appreciate everybody's input so far.I like the idea in engaging him in some form of work like re-stocking things etc.Will suggest that next time I go to work.He is not at all interested in...
  6. We have a patient on our floor that has been there for over four months. He was admitted with a closed head injury , and as of now is not ready for discharge and there is no funding in place to...
  7. I work on a Trauma Floor and we do not have a standing Alcohol Assessment Tool we use.Quite often we deal with homeless , alcoholic patients and when necessary we give Librium, Ativan per MD order.But...
  8. How much air is too much

    How do you handle the alarm by the IV pumps , when it says: Air in line. Some pumps let you advance it , others don't. I heard one RN say that if the bubble is the size of champagne bubble it will not...
  9. PCA pumps

    When you run a PCA at what rate do you run your IV fluid? Just would like some opinions and rationals,
  10. Need Ortho T-shirt Slogan

    We are on the 8 thfloor of our hospital, so we made the "8" out of shaped bones . Which loooks pretty
  11. Anyone An Ortho Certified Rn????

    Where I work we would get a $100 more per month for the certification. The NAON website will fill you in on all the specifics. The test costs around $300 and the (recommended) book another $150. Test...
  12. Clinitron Bed

    CAn someone tell me how to use the Clinitron Bed> Can I use a chuck on it? It seems too high for a normal person to get in and out. How do I lower
  13. I lived there ( in Juneau)for 15 years and it can be a pretty lonely place. Summers are short and there is plenty of rain. Rain comes in so many varieties that you have never seen before, like...
  14. Necessities of relocating to Juneau

    Your biggest necessity would be a pair of rainboots, or what Alaskan's would call Alaskan tennis shoe's. It rains a lot especailly in Juneau. Weather can be very depressing. But the two weeks of...
  15. Ortho Certification

    I am interested in getting my Ortho Certification.Some RN's on my floor said that it is extremely hard. What helped you the most when studying: A review course?flashcards?study groups?Any other ideas?...