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All Content by Tetra

  1. I checked out our LRC and looked pretty hard to find any peer reviewed journal article proving a statistical correlation between outcome improvement, and "emancipatory knowing"... found nothing. It's almost as though there isn't any actual science be...
  2. You're just pointing out what my thread is really about. I'm just using science as the basis for my argument, and you're drawing the conclusion. I noticed leveraging science seems to decrease the probability of getting hassled around here. So if what...
  3. Correct, I got hassled here before when I suggesting nursing school is now indoctrinating students... so if you're now suggesting that, have fun. Regardless, if it has a basis in science, I'm down for discussion. Trust me when I say, I simply cannot...
  4. I couldn't find any research showing a correlation... is that wrong to say?
  5. May I ask in your opinion what Canadian nursing textbook you have found to be the most useful? McMaster has heavily recommended Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing, and wanted to know what you all think? Elsevier: Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing, 5th E...
  6. Health Care is Not a Right

    Before we get into it, I'm going into first year nursing... but I'm not some young kid. I'm 34, married with a family, studied philosophy in my early 20's, and lived well below the poverty line for my entire life. I'm saying this to avoid any fallaci...
  7. Health Care is Not a Right

    What the heck, when have you ever heard of anyone making a criticism, not on the basis of morality? If we thought the system we lived in was moral, there would be nothing to criticize. So your argument is that I can only critisize the health care sys...
  8. Health Care is Not a Right

    If you've actually read all 25 pages, you'd see this argument comes up countless times. You're argument is essentially that I can't be critical of the Canadian system because I benefit from the Canadian system. That's silly. In your mind, when can a ...
  9. Health Care is Not a Right

    I've dealt with the majority of these arguments at some point or another in this thread... I mean jeepers, it's 25 pages long. Not to sure what you mean by "point by point" specifically, but I did respond to you in the manner I'm guessing you're look...
  10. Health Care is Not a Right

    I would argue justice goes hand in hand with equity. That is a debate for another thread though. Either way, I value equality. Just wanted to know your stance is all.
  11. Health Care is Not a Right

    Question @shibaowner, by "social justice" (I think you've mentioned this a couple times?), are you referring to identity politics? If so, what does that have to do with nursing?
  12. Health Care is Not a Right

    I pay taxes here in Canada, some of that goes to health care... doesn't mean I can't lobby for change, vote, and disagree with how things are. Lot's of people think health care is a right, doesn't make it one either.
  13. Health Care is Not a Right

    So your argument is essentially whenever someone can't pay for something, it's a form of discrimination?
  14. Health Care is Not a Right

    Well I don't make money doing it, so that's most likely very accurate. Yes I have the burden of proof, but not for the reason you stated. I've already stated, just because "the majority of developed countries believe that it is", does not make it a ...
  15. Health Care is Not a Right

    I would say that whether or not it's discrimination is dependant on if it's a right.
  16. Health Care is Not a Right

    Has anyone here seen someone refused care in the US due to lack of insurance?
  17. Health Care is Not a Right

    I've been fairly respectful and polite the whole time... that's not common behavior for someone trying to simply get a rise out of people. What's with the obsession with focusing on my character, over simply giving me an argument as to why you think ...
  18. Health Care is Not a Right

    Great question. Well I do love people in spite of what others think of me. Outside of that, everyone assumes I want to be an RN. That's an option for sure. However, without a doubt assuming I complete my BScN, I'll do graduate work. I currently do ha...
  19. Health Care is Not a Right

    I'll look further into this MunoRN! Thank you for the link. :)
  20. Health Care is Not a Right

    I think you're making a lot of assumptions about my political worldview, and myself in general. I'm hardly far right, I'm right leaning on some issues, left leaning on others. When did I ever suggest that I'm interested in discriminating against anyo...
  21. Health Care is Not a Right

    Well, I don't think I'm going to breeze through school or anything, it'll be hard work, but I'm very academically competitive. The work ethic of the kids at school is brutal already. We're 1 week in and they just Facebook in class. lol
  22. Health Care is Not a Right

    Shibaowner, my arguments were in regards to the nature of rights, and socialized health care. There is tons of stuff I don't know, in health care and otherwise. I'm not opposed to learning, if you have information, fill me in. So in a two tier system...
  23. Health Care is Not a Right

    Don't know if I agree entirely. Laws can only be passed to recognize or protect human rights, they can also instantiate positive rights. However, it would require mutual consent to "give them up", and that would require you ever having them in the fi...
  24. Health Care is Not a Right

    How can you give up rights that are inherent to your existence? That doesn't even make sense. I suppose you could contractually waive them.
  25. Health Care is Not a Right

    What's odd is that I wasn't making it up, my friend actually flew to Florida for his shoulder because he was waiting too long. So it must not be pushed here, or there's a catch I'm missing? Why would people leave if they have privatized health care h...