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All Content by enlighten3

  1. Passed the NCLEX on 4th Try

    Warning: Lengthy article ahead, but hopefully helpful. How I slayed the monstrous NCLEX RN exam. Tips, study materials, myths, and experiences. One could define the NCLEX as a monstrous creature that one needs to slay to get to the castle (your prof...
  2. Passed the NCLEX on 4th Try

    This is amazing! Thank you for sharing your impressive story! I agree, everyone's journey is different. It's okay to take a break from things and step back for a little. Ultimately, if you want something badly enough, you can achieve it as long as yo...
  3. Passed the NCLEX on 4th Try

    Thank you! Your time will come, even if it seems so distant right now. Patience and hard work will get you to where you want to be :) I too was devastated and am glad I was able to inspire you to keep going with this post. There were so many times wh...
  4. Passed the NCLEX on 4th Try

    You're welcome! I hope it helps you and others out there! A lot of people say "after your first time, your chances of passing are reduced" and that is such a discouraging and scary statement. However, I didn't think that was true for me. I got closer...