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  1. Took Nclex This Morning

    I Just took my boards for the 3rd time and I graduated with a 3.9 so the boards say nothing of your knowledge, let alone competency, I had 112 questions this time, left the exam knowing I failed and...
  2. Did I Fail With 112 Questions?

    I PASSED!!!!!!!! NO LONGER "ALMOST RN" YEAH!!!! going out to
  3. Did I Fail With 112 Questions?

    As I recall, I had alot of priority questions, is that good or
  4. Did I Fail With 112 Questions?

    I don't know if they were harder, its all a blur. I read about people remembering what was on the exam and I think "how on earth can you remember anything!" I do know that I didn't have any pick all...
  5. I have just taken the nclex for the third time and im a complete wreck. Test 1=265 fail. Test 2=265 fail. Test 3= 110 (about). What does that mean? I just know i failed again, a week before my...
  6. I just took my NCLEX for the THRID TIME yesterday, and I answered about 112 questions. The last two times I answered 264, and 265! I am so embarrassed:o I already have a job at a hospital and had...