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All Content by Happygirl78

  1. I'm doing this for the pre-nursing students who have no idea what they are doing. The nursing application process can be overwhelming and discouraging when you have no insight into the process and acceptance details. * Some background info: I chose ...
  2. Any DATC Nursing Applicants?

    Just to help out anyone who comes across this thread and is looking for some extra insight, YOUR PAX SCORE DOES NOT ACTUALLY MATTER. By that, I mean, If you get over a 100 on the composite score DO NOT RETAKE. They don't award for better scores. The...
  3. I just finished my CNA skills test and have a few concerns. Everything went well on my vital signs and my skills were not too hard. Thinking about it now, I don't totally remember, but I am pretty sure I did not label my weight, height, and urine out...