problem to be solved that involves communication in nursing


What are communication problems in nursing? for example i know abbreviations are a big issue due to there being more than one meaning for one abbreviations. can anyone help me with any other problems with communication?


Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

Patience, tolerance and listening.

Hand-off/end-of-shift reports are always tricky. Hospitals I have seen have made attempts to standardize the process (ex. SBAR forms) but there will always be an issue with some nurses giving too little details, missing critical information or giving inaccurate information.

Specializes in Developmental Disabilites,.

My major annoyance is pharmacy calling the RN to ask us to call the MD to clarify an order. It brings one more person into the mix. A pharmacist is legally able to take a phone order. They are just trying to pass the buck and make things easier for themselves with no regard for the safety of the patient.

Please let us know if this is homework of some sort. And there are many threads with this type of info, please look at the archives.

this is for school i have to write a business proposal regarding a communication in nursing. how do i look at the archives?

Specializes in LTC.

Handwritting, assessing non-verbal or non-english speaking patients..

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Our search engine is opposite the allurses name at top of forum.

Search here and on the internet "Communicaiton issues + nursing".

Accepting verbal orders is another hot button topic.

What type of class is requiring a "business plan" to resolve nursing communication issue?

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