Probably going to be terminated, kinda bummed...


:o Long story I'll try and make short. I've been working as a Registry ICU nurse since July of 1998, a prn type position. About 2 years ago I took a M-F job at a different hospital but kept my status at the other one. Their policy is Registry has to do a weekend a month..not just 2 weekend shifts but you have to sign up for a whole weekend at a time. If you don't do your weekend one month, you have to do 2 the next month or you're terminated, no exceptions. Or so they say.

I've been trying to be compliant, but it's been a chore to find child care for 12 hr shifts on a weekend. Plus after working 5 days, if I don't ask for a day off my regular job, it's a 14 day stretch with no time off. Several years ago I could've done it no problem, but anymore it's too fatiguing, though I'm working 8 hr shifts at my regular job.

I wasn't able to work a weekend in February, just worked a Saturday. Signed up for a Saturday and worked it this month, then signed up for last weekend, was sick Saturday and had to call in, so only worked on Sunday. So I guess according to policy I'll be canned. Seems like a stupid reason to get fired, but that's how it goes.

Sorry, I just needed to vent. I have 8 years in there and really hate to lose my hours. I like the people I work with and like being able to do some bedside patient care..I have a utilization type job where I am fulltime.

Oh,well. It's not like I'll be on the street looking for handouts, but I've never been term'd from a job and hate to start now.

Specializes in CCU MICU Rapid Response.

Aww that is a bummer... good luck- I hope that all turns out well.

Specializes in Peds - playing with the kids.

that is a bummer. :( :(

hope everything works out for you.


Just a suggestion- sounds like you have a clean record and are a hard worker- I would go to whoever is in charge in human resources- or your supervision with a typed letter of resignation before I was terminated in order to keep your record perfect- employers sometimes view all terminations as the employees fault- also why not schedule a meeting with those concerned- it sounds like you could bargain for a hearing that may end up in a compromise- possibly explaining the situation and in lieu of your circumstances make up the days another time- if possible?

Just a thought...JMCM

Why don't you just contact them and see what's up? You've been a reliable, valuable employee and that policy probably is to discourage the cavalier caller-inners, not to termiate people like you.

Specializes in ICU, CCU, Trauma, neuro, Geriatrics.

I would simply resign so as to keep a good clean work record. If they want to chat with you about it then so be it. I dont think work references are any more than if you worked there for the time you say on an application. If you plan to work for this facility or a sister facilty of theirs in the future, make sure your record is clean.

I would simply resign so as to keep a good clean work record. If they want to chat with you about it then so be it. I dont think work references are any more than if you worked there for the time you say on an application. If you plan to work for this facility or a sister facilty of theirs in the future, make sure your record is clean.


thanks for the suggestions, I had thought of that. I really hate to give up my hours there. Seemed strange today the nurse recruiter said there was no PRN help needed in ICU right now. Yeah, right! They're screaming for help all the time. I'm already trained, know the units, the computers, etc.

Unless they're counting on GN help.

I think I'll see how it plays when the recruiter gets back to me. It's kind of a weird thing..if you're Registry you're still prn, but have a slightly different set of rules and get higher pay than if you're a regular prn. If I can't get satisfaction from the recruiter in changing my status, I may resign. wanted to wait til the end of April, though, so as not to have to fork out cash for my that evil of me, or what?

Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.

Not evil at all!

I was terminated from my last job due to an extended LOA for pregnancy complications. I wish they had had the decency to let me know that it was coming so that I could have resigned instead.

But as far as future employment goes, I don't think any REASONABLE recruiter or nurse manager would hold it against me. If they would, I don't think I would want to work for them anyway.

Is it possible to use this situation as an opportunity to suggest some changes? Surely, you're not the only person who has a problem with giving up your entire weekend. Maybe you could propose an option where people could split weekends and do two splits a month.

If your employer values loyalty, has any kind of concern for employees, and possess a lick of common sense, this could be a blessing in disguise.

why are you working so hard? Maybe you need to pull back, reassess your life, and spend more time with family and friends. Is that possible? I hope you find a good balance in your life soon.

Specializes in NICU.

I would agree to resign so that your record is clean.

Is it possible to sign up with a nursing agency instead? Working PRN at a hospital comes with many regulations (like needing to do certain amounts of weekend and holiday time) but as an agency nurse, YOU call the shots. Plus, in most places you make more per hour as an agency nurse compared to a PRN staff nurse, so that would mean that you wouldn't have to work as many shifts.

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