President Biden thread


Wow.  No one has started such a thread yet?

After promising that most K-8 students would be in schools in the first 100 days,  apparently Joe is afraid to lead on this and has drastically scaled back that goal.

Instead, we're shooting for about half to go to school at least one day a week,  by the end of April.


Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
5 minutes ago, Beerman said:

The actions of those you vote for suggest otherwise.

Why are we handcuffing our main source of energy?  And, this (above)  while the Ukraine/Russia crisis was brewing?

Actually this highlights what I said that we want to decrease our dependence on fossil fuels doesn't it? Or what am I missing here.

I have already said though I don't agree with actions that will decrease oil production because the reality is we need oil.  I still want us to continue the path that is more forward looking and long term and stop destroying the environment, and having something set in place for future generations when the oil runs out.

4 minutes ago, Tweety said:

The time has passed for me to edit but let me clarify the above statement which is worded wrong.

If inflation is your only measurement of a good economy, then that's your prerogative.  We have discussed before that the good economy is actually one of the forces driving inflation as demand for goods and services has increased.  There are other factors like energy.

I would agree, to an extent.

But, we also know the worse inflation in 40 years isn't the result of a good economy.

11 minutes ago, Beerman said:

The actions of those you vote for suggest otherwise.

Why are we handcuffing our main source of energy?  And, this (above)  while the Ukraine/Russia crisis was brewing?

I meant to include this.  The administration bending over to those who want to shut down a nuclear energy plant that has been in operation since the 70's.

6 minutes ago, Tweety said:

Actually this highlights what I said that we want to decrease our dependence on fossil fuels doesn't it? Or what am I missing here.

I have already said though I don't agree with actions that will decrease oil production because the reality is we need oil.  I still want us to continue the path that is more forward looking and long term and stop destroying the environment, and having something set in place for future generations when the oil runs out.

It sounds like we agree on both oil and new sources of energy.

I don't think those you vote for feel the same.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
8 minutes ago, Beerman said:

I would agree, to an extent.

But, we also know the worse inflation in 40 years isn't the result of a good economy.

No, I acknowledged there are other reasons.  I know people want to blame democrat policies and Biden, but it's interesting to say that covid recovery would have happened without Biden but the inflation caused by covid recovery is his fault.  Maybe partly it is.


critics, including former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, blamed in part President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, with its $1,400 checks to most households, for overheating an economy that was already sizzling on its own.

5 minutes ago, Beerman said:

I don't think those you vote for feel the same.

Hopefully reality will set in and they will come around.  Biden campaigned on this and much of his base approves.

2 hours ago, Beerman said:

Lots of way to slice and dice data.  For example, to exclude the 2008 recession and covid economy crash, the one study simply eliminated 2006 on.  How much good data under Republicans did that wipe out?

Also, it was going back to 1946.  Not really comparing apples to apples going back that far.  For example, in todays world, should we consider Democrat attitude toward rate relations of that time when voting?

What I know is that the 2008 recession was directly tied liberal policies, and that Trump had super unemployment numbers for all demographics.  I know that Democrats want to increase taxes and spending,  and are at war with fossil fuels and they do not see the importance of us being energy independent.


The 2008 recession was directly related to conservative policy...deregulation of financial markets, repeal of Glass-Steagall, deepening deficits with tax breaks for the wealthy, etc. Maybe what you believe to know isn't all that factually correct...for instance, Democrats only want to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans, yet you talk like the plan is to raise taxes for working class Americans...that suggests that what you "know" may be more based in partisan rhetoric than it is in facts.


Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

The U.S. economy is enormously complicated. Screwing it up takes a great deal of cooperation. Claiming that a single piece of legislation was responsible for (or could have averted) the crisis is just political grandstanding. We have no advice to offer on how best to solve the financial crisis. But these sorts of partisan caricatures can only make the task more difficult.

It's old news.

It does seem on the surface that Democrat presidents have faired better with the economy according to several economists.  But you also have to consider bias and economists tend to have their own views as to what is best..I.e. big government vs. degradation and small government.  

Also given the above rationale that the economy takes cooperation from both sides to crash it would seem the same during periods of growth.  

In my opinion that is.

From 2021

6 hours ago, Beerman said:

I would agree, to an extent.

But, we also know the worse inflation in 40 years isn't the result of a good economy.

The worst inflation in 40 years is the result of the worst pandemic in 100 years as well as unprecedented global supply chain issues (also related to the pandemic).


Understanding why the rate of inflation has risen so quickly could help clarify how long the surge might last – and what, if anything, policymakers should do about it. The recent acceleration in the rate of inflation appears to be fundamentally different from other inflationary periods that were more closely tied to the regular business cycle. Explanations for the current phenomenon proffered to date include continuing disruptions in global supply chains amid the coronavirus pandemic; turmoil in the labor markets; the fact that today’s prices are being measured against prices during last year’s COVID-19-induced shutdowns; and strong consumer demand after local economies were reopened.


At least one thing is clear: A resurgent inflation rate is by no means solely a U.S. concern. A Pew Research Center analysis of data from 46 nations finds that the third-quarter 2021 inflation rate was higher in most of them (39) than in the pre-pandemic third quarter of 2019. In 16 of these countries, including the U.S., the inflation rate was more than 2 percentage points higher last quarter than in the same period of 2019. (For this analysis, we used data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a group of mostly highly developed, democratic countries. The data covers the 38 OECD member nations, plus eight other economically significant countries.)


5 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:

The 2008 recession was directly related to conservative policy...deregulation of financial markets, repeal of Glass-Steagall, deepening deficits with tax breaks for the wealthy, etc. Maybe what you believe to know isn't all that factually correct...for instance, Democrats only want to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans, yet you talk like the plan is to raise taxes for working class Americans...that suggests that what you "know" may be more based in partisan rhetoric than it is in facts.


Yes, many of those reasons have as the root cause liberals insisting everyone should own a house, even if they couldnt afford it. 

Anyway, I didn't bring that up in order to rehash old debates we've had in the past.  You're not going to change my mind with what you think you "know". If you wish, I'm sure you could go back to the blue side where you can relive these debates, and perhaps realize what you know now isn't based in reality. 

21 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

The worst inflation in 40 years is the result of the worst pandemic in 100 years as well as unprecedented global supply chain issues (also related to the pandemic).


So, what IS the responsibility of "The buck stops with me Biden"?  What should we expect from him going forward?  It doesn't seem he is ever responsible for anything, and that expectations are low for him to offer solutions.

30 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

The worst inflation in 40 years is the result of the worst pandemic in 100 years as well as unprecedented global supply chain issues (also related to the pandemic).


I've already conceded that oil prices and inflation were both going to increase to some extent.

However, Biden's anti-oil agenda and his spending bill have exasperated our problems.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
24 minutes ago, Beerman said:

So, what IS the responsibility of "The buck stops with me Biden"?  What should we expect from him going forward?  It doesn't seem he is ever responsible for anything, and that expectations are low for him to offer solutions.

The buck does stop with Biden as it is his problem and he is now responsible for the federal response going forward.  But also remember we have a congress.

I think what TMB and I are saying is that inflation really despite right ring rhetoric to the contrary isn't his fault.  It would have happened to any President but I don't like to deal with "what ifs".  The fact is we are here.

I believe he's going to talk about it tonight in the STOU address.  However, you can count me in as one with low expectations for quick relief.  Most economists are saying it's staying for a while.

20 minutes ago, Beerman said:

Yes, many of those reasons have as the root cause liberals insisting everyone should own a house, even if they couldnt afford it. 

Anyway, I didn't bring that up in order to rehash old debates we've had in the past.  You're not going to change my mind with what you think you "know". If you wish, I'm sure you could go back to the blue side where you can relive these debates, and perhaps realize what you know now isn't based in reality. 

The "root cause" was more related to the actions and policies of the banking industry, not the consumer. 

The purpose of the exchange is not to change your mind necessarily, it's to have an exchange of thoughts, ideas, evidence...a discussion about difficult but important ideas where people disagree. 

I disagree with you about the reality of republican expertise in economic policy and leadership. I've provided some credible evidence to support my stance.  This reality about economic performance under Republican leadership is not a new phenomenon . Even at the state level, we have years of economic data that can be sorted and analyzed.  


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