Preparing for the unthinkable


My school is implementing ALICE. As the nurse, I am thinking what supplies can I leave in the classroom should the unthinkable happen. We are a small private school so fortunately I have a budget for these items.

Do any of you have "Go Buckets?" What do you put in each room?


Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).
My school is implementing ALICE. As the nurse, I am thinking what supplies can I leave in the classroom should the unthinkable happen. We are a small private school so fortunately I have a budget for these items.

Do any of you have "Go Buckets?" What do you put in each room?


I don't do school nursing but I do adolescent psych - on our unit which holds 16 patients we are prepared to shelter in place for 72 hours. Snacks fresh drinking water - all toilets and showers would remain operational.


Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

Just yesterday morning (Friday), schools in my county were called off due to a

very legitimate threat. There was a 20 year old living just a few yards from the

high school who had guns, lots of ammo, armor, and had made threats to do

"severe bodily harm to several people at a school". Authorities were tipped

off to his behavior, and he was taken into custody before he was able to

carry out his plans. My daughter attends that very high school, and my son

attends the middle school. Very scary.

As far as anyone knows, this kid did not have anyone working with him, but

I'm still afraid about sending my kids to school on Monday. :(

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.
Just yesterday morning (Friday), schools in my county were called off due to a

very legitimate threat. There was a 20 year old living just a few yards from the

high school who had guns, lots of ammo, armor, and had made threats to do

"severe bodily harm to several people at a school". Authorities were tipped

off to his behavior, and he was taken into custody before he was able to

carry out his plans. My daughter attends that very high school, and my son

attends the middle school. Very scary.

As far as anyone knows, this kid did not have anyone working with him, but

I'm still afraid about sending my kids to school on Monday. :(

Oh no! I hope it went okay. It does sound scary. I'm always worried about my kids as well, but I know they are tough little nuts and trust their school to protect them as much as they can.

I know the feeling. One of my daughter's 7th grade classmates brought ammo to school about a month ago. He's one of the last students that I would have thought lived in a home with firearms. Child is back after 2 weeks suspension and I'll be nervous forever.

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