Pregnant in Nursing School

Nursing Students General Students


Hi Everyone!

Since I noticed a lot of folks on this list have kids, I

just wanted to know if any of you were or are now

pregnant while in nursing school. I am going into

my last year of school, but my husband and I really want to

start a family soon.

I'd appreciate any stories or suggestions from those

of you who went through this. I'm especially interested

in any problems with morning sickness, or concerns

of being pregnant in clinicals, or if you had no problems

at all!




Please really think about waiting until after you graduate and are working for awhile!! Nursing school is tough enough, but from what I've seen, your first job is high stress in the beginning also.

Think about waiting, putting some money aside, and that way there will be no surprises (like a problem pregnancy and having to stop school). Just some thoughts from an older "mom" student!!:)

I started school when my second born was about a month and a half old, and during my junior year I gave birth to our third child. That last pregnancy was more difficult then my first two, and being in clinicals was a little rough because I got REALLY big (Carter weighed close to 10 pounds at birth) and it was hard for me to get around. It's kind of a gamble because you never know how easy or difficult the pregnancy will be on you and your body, mind, spirit, etc. During my first two pregnancies I could have run marathons, but as I said, this last one was more difficult. It's not easy trying to go to school, especially nursing school, while pregnant, but having children is one of those things that, if you wait until you think you're ready and if you're waiting for an obstacle free time, you might be waiting forever. My son though is living proof that nursing school and pregnancy can be done simultaneously! Be blessed in whatever you decide!:D

I am not pregnant, and do not have children, but my friend had some problems during her OB rotation.

Hormones fly during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. When she worked in the nursery after the baby was born, every time a baby cried she would begin letting down milk, which was an embarrassment to her (it did not bother us, we all understood). That is really the only thing that she complained about was the wet spots on her uniform. She solved this by stopping breastfeeding, and starting the bottle.

Nursing school is so stressful. I can not imagine what it would be like if i also had a new baby to take care of. But, anything is possible, just make sure you are not making things too hard on yourself. Stress is not good for a developing baby either!


I will be starting my ADN clinicals in Jan. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for the last year. To make a long story short, we are going to have to do in-vitro to conceive. After several crying sessions, we decided to wait until after I finish school, which should be spring 03.

Don't get me wrong! I still "ache" to hold our child every cycle, but I know this is best for our child(ren).

This is what is best for us! Not necessarily the option that is best for you!

Best wishes,


Thank you all for your replies. I knew it might not

be easy to be pregnant while in nursing school!

I knew a few people who did it, but they already

had kids - so they knew what to expect.

We might wait until halfway through the year, so

I'd be only a few months into a pregnancy when

I graduated (and those first few months are when

you feel the sickest I hear!)

I'd love more input if anyone has anything else

they'd like to throw into the ring!


Hi Sarah,

I'm really glad to hear someone else out there that is going through the same thing. I will be starting nursing school in the fall however by the time I am finished and after working in the feild long enough to learn the ropes I will be 31. Then I can finally have my first child and I would like to have 2 with at least 3 years between them. Which I've been warned so many times about waiting that long. I think I have decided however to have the baby now (as soon as Hubby decides! ) ;) and finish nursing school when he/ she is around 6 mo. or later. I still worrry though that I might regret it a tad when Im going through school and pulling out my hair!!! lol

In my not so humble opinion.... WAIT to get pregnant until you are DONE with school.

I am now a 3rd semester ADN student..... in my 8th week of pregnancy. This will be my 4th child. The baby is due 3 weeks into my fourth and final semester.

(BELIEVE ME.....this was NOT planned. Apparently, a higher power decided that another child was needed in our lives, despite our very best efforts at prevention.)

This week, I already had to miss one clinical day because I couldn't keep my head out of the toilet. This was the first time I've ever missed ANY school-related event. NOT FUN!!!

I was able to drag myself into clinical on Wednesday, but, HONESTLY, my supposedly "sick" med-surg. patients "looked" BETTER THAN ME!!!

I certainly can't turn back time, and I'm sure I'll enjoy the pregnancy once the SHOCK and the sickness wear off........but I would NEVER choose to be pregnant while in nursing school. The stress of school is bad enough without adding a pregnancy to it.

(Oh, and my hubby and I are BOTH getting surgically cut, burned, tied, clipped, whatever they can possibly do to prevent this from happening again.... I'd be happy with a hyst. at this point!!! ;)

I am 20 weeks pregnant and in my 2nd semester (3rd quarter) or a diploma program. I was sick sick sick during clinicals..but I made it through and even had an A in clinical and a very high B in theory. It does make it a little harder, but it can be done. Now on to this semester - my grades in theory are still pretty good, but did drop on the last test - that was due to only getting 2 hours of sleep the night before due to heartburn, sciatic nerve pain and just generally being uncomfortable. However, to me int he end it will be worth it. I just have to learn how to budget my time during the day a little better.

I agree that if you wait till "everything is perfect" you will wait forever. There are several women in my class that just had/are having babies and we are all managing. I think it is more important to consider what kind of life you and your husband can give the child right now, than how it will affect nursing school. Just make sure you have reliable childcare!

Thank you both for the advice! I need all the advice I can get right now so I can make an informed decision. I think the best thing (if I do decide to have a baby while in school) will be to try to concieve at least 3 mo. before school starts. (begining of summer). That way I hope to be feeling better once I start. I'm just not sure what will happen if I stop school in the middle to stay at home for 4 months or so. I'm not sure If it is hard to get back in or if you lose credits. If so I may just get my LPN and then have children... and so the indesicion continues ;)

Christine- I wish you the best of luck in school and I hope you feel better very soon. Thanks for the advice. It gives me a very real and scary fact that I have to think about before I can truly decide.

Thanks again!

Oh and also det01, is this your first child? I just noticed you are the same age as I am and in the BSN program, so I wondered if you decided to go ahead with children because of the length of the BSN program or was this a suprise? Just curious ;) Thanks again! ;)

Actually, I had to switch to a siploma program after we moved.. My husband is in the military and I would not have time to finish a BSN before the AF told us to move again.

We got pregnant on purpose. We know er can afford it because the military has good maternity coverage as well as baby insurance afterwards.

We were being sure to try to time it for during a vacation though. I will be having the baby in the middle of summer vacation. We just felt it was time for a baby. I knew I could handle it, because I have a wonderful support system here. (Luckily we are close to family) I think this is also easier for me because I pretty much have had a textbook pregnancy so far. The morning sickess and other general uncomfys are bad, but there are bearable. I am lucky that this isn't a complicated pregnancy and that the baby is due during a break.

Good luck with whatever you decide!

oops forgot to say that yes this is our first child (we have been married 2.5 years) it is a little girl and her name will be Savannah Kathleen

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