Pre Reqs - How to fit them all in?


I'm interested in applying to several of the Accelerated BSN and BSN/MSN programs for Summer 2010, but I need to take lots of pre-reqs - Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, etc. The problem is I don't have the Intro to Bio or Intro to Chem classes (101 and 102) that I need to get into Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, etc. It seems like it will take me through the summer of 2010 to finish it all due to the order the courses have to be taken. Any suggestions on how I can fit this all in before programs start next summer? Thank you!!!

If you apply to NYU, you can do it without prerequisites. They fit all the prerequisites into one semester and then you start the accelerated part right after. This is what I'm doing because I found it to be the fastest way. Otherwise all the prereqs would take me a year to complete.

jlan- are you applying to the ABSN program?

Because I want to apply for next spring and will have most of the pre-reqs done except for chem

I thought we needed to have them all completed before the start of the program:doh:

Please tell me if I am mistaken or what the process is for applying.

Thanks in advance

Yes, I'm doing the Accelerated BSN. There is a note on their website that says that a 2-yr program for people who don't have their prerequisites is also available. What they mean is that you spend 1 semester doing pre-reqs and then do the regular 15-month accelerated program.

weird. i looked at the nyu site for the 15month program and didn't see that note. do you have the link by any chance? also do you mind sharing your stats when applying... gpa etc. im worried that my 2.985 wont be competitive enough. thanks

Here you go, scroll down about half way

I am doing all my prereqs in the fall and starting nursing program in the spring. So I will graduate in Spring 2011 (fall 09 + spring 10, summer 10, fall 10, spring 11).

My GPA was 3.5

Pre-reqs are a pain aren't they. I can't say anything about NYU's program but for my four year program the pre-reqs, especially the science ones, actually made it more than 4 years. You could either do summer or take the extra year for the classes. Hopes it all works out for you.

Yes, I'm doing the Accelerated BSN. There is a note on their website that says that a 2-yr program for people who don't have their prerequisites is also available. What they mean is that you spend 1 semester doing pre-reqs and then do the regular 15-month accelerated program.


How many credits are you taking for your prereqs? What classes? I went to their website at it seems that you have to take all the science courses IN ONE SEMESTER!!! This is suicidal!! Not to be negative, but we all know that science courses are hard by themselves, so I can't imagine taking like 20 credits in one semester. I wish I could do this but I don't think I would be able to obatain a good GPA with this work load (plus I would need to work at least part-time to support myself and my son). Anyway, congrats on your decision. I'm sure you will suceed!! I will actually apply to NYU accelerated program either in the spring or fall of next year. Good luck!!

Specializes in PCU, LTAC, Corrections.

Pace U has a BSN/MSN program that does not require you to have the prereqs. The program has two cohorts: one is for those who have the prereqs and the other for those who dont.

Go to the website and look throuh the program descriptions and the curriculum sheets.

Oh and the MSN part of the degree is optional.

Good luck.

I'm taking 14 credits out of 20 (I have psych and stats from my prior degree). When I was in college before I used to take 20 credit semesters and it wasn't that bad. I don't remember being overwhelmed. GL to you in whatever you decide.

I'm taking 14 credits out of 20 (I have psych and stats from my prior degree). When I was in college before I used to take 20 credit semesters and it wasn't that bad. I don't remember being overwhelmed. GL to you in whatever you decide.

When I was in college 20 credits was not a problem either (10 years ago) , but circumstances have change. Now I don't have dad or mom helping me pay for college and I was not a dad at the time. :cry:

Pace U has a BSN/MSN program that does not require you to have the prereqs. The program has two cohorts: one is for those who have the prereqs and the other for those who dont.

Go to the website and look throuh the program descriptions and the curriculum sheets.

Oh and the MSN part of the degree is optional.

Good luck.

Thank you. I'll take a look at it. How are they in terms of giving scholarships?

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