Pre-Reqs from diff schools, does it look bad?


Hi everyone,

I'm starting my pre-reqs this Spring and I was wondering do you think it works against you if pre-reqs are from different campuses, or is it better to take them all from one place? I'd like to take 2 courses in the intercession and 2 in Spring, but spread across 3 schools.

Bad, good, doesn't matter? TIA!

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day:

As long as A&P 1 and 2 are from the same school within a reasonable time frame apart (i.e. the closer together the better), you should be fine.

Thank you.

Nope, as long as the school you're applying to recognizes the schools you've attended.

The college I attend states that it favors applicants that did the pre reqs at their college. They will be chosen before other applicants that transfer in regardless of GPA.

Thanks, Yep A&P are from the same school and one after the other, not online. They are all accredited. The school I want to attend does offer their own pre-reqs at double the price of one course at other colleges, but it doesn't seem to have any advantage (or they don't outwardly say it), they don't say they favor their own. Just going to go for it and hope for the best!

I doubt it'll be an issue. I've got the same thing happening. Prereqs from 4 different schools! It just had to happen that way. Someone at one of the schools I contacted even gave me suggestions for schools I could try out, knowing how many schools I was likely to go to for the prereqs. As long as they're accredited, you should be good to go.

Specializes in LTC, Rural, OB.

It wasn't a problem for me. Half of my pre-reqs are from two different schools in California and I actually had to retake my A&P since it was outdated in into a school that I took no pre-reqs at.

Thanks everyone! Just finished registering for everything, 3 colleges, 5 courses..I am SO ready for this! haha

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

Good luck! As long as you get all of your transcripts in, it won't be any different. My courses are from all over the place, since I completed some while in the military.

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