Pre-Nursing student with the usual concern: not making it into Nursing school :(

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Alright, I'm new to the site, so please bare with me. :] I'm currently a pre-nursing student with three pre reqs left (anatomy 2, Microbio, and nutrition) before I apply to Nursing schools around here (Miami) next semester when I'm finishing up. My main goal is FIU which I hear is insanely competitive, but I'm applying to several. I'm freaking out because I am deathly afraid I won't make it! With stats like these listed below, I want to know what you guys think my chances are of getting accepted on my first try at applying. :] Please and thank you very much. I really do appreciate it. If you have any constructive advice of any kind, that also has NOTHING to do with my chances of getting into nursing school, that's welcomed as well :D

  • 3.5 cumulative GPA, 3.8 sciences and math GPA
  • No repeats, and only 2 B's in my prereqs (maths).
  • CNA license
  • 60+ hours volunteering at local hospital
  • Bilingual (spanish and english)
  • Transferring from a community college with an A.A. degree with over 80 credits done (extra credits come from me originally starting college as a different major, then switching into nursing).

Specializes in Peds.

Your grades and experiences look great. Congrats :yeah:on your hard work... the only way you will know is to just apply! I understand the feeling... nursing school here in Jacksonville FL is quite competitive as well- I think no matter where you are in the country nursing is a field that requires an incredible amount of dedication and perseverance. You are in the home stretch, and doing great by the sound of it! A&P II and Micro will be used A LOT from what I understand about the first semester of nursing programs so make these last ones count! :) Best of luck! :nurse:

Specializes in Wannabe NICU/PED Nurse.

Just want to say goodluck. KNOW THAT YOU CAN DO THIS. And if you don't get in the first time keep trying until you do you have made it this far. ♥ Keep up the great work and keep us posted love.

Looks fine to me, but I have no idea how schools by you are looking at possible NS. Apply and see. I think you'll do great. Good luck!

Specializes in CNA.
If you have any constructive advice of any kind

The only advice I have is that you keep doing whatever you have been doing. Great work!

I really appreciate all your kind responses!! Despite all I've done, I just dont feel like It will be enough :( But, I will definitely keep you guys posted on what happens in the near future!! :) This is a really stressful time for not just me, but everyone who will go through and has gone through this. Thank you guys so much!

I really appreciate all your kind responses!! Despite all I've done, I just dont feel like It will be enough :( But, I will definitely keep you guys posted on what happens in the near future!! :) This is a really stressful time for not just me, but everyone who will go through and has gone through this. Thank you guys so much!

Dont be so hard on your self. you can do it obvs you have the brains to have such a good gpa and your experience.. it might get a little tougher but nothing you cant handle. if you have the drive and motivation to be a nurse and help people think about that to get you thru it and just think about what a great reward it would be at the end... Best of luck :D

hey molliri, did you get in?

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