Pre-employment drug screen / drug test

Nurses General Nursing


I am a final semester student nurse. I'm about to visit a hospital in another state for the face-to-face interview. If hired, I would return in January to start work.

Will they test me now, at the interview, or later, when I start?

I just got back from a trip to Jamaica. :smokin:

Um, I'm pretty sure most people you know use drugs of some kind or other. Did you have coffee this morning? Did you know that coffee has a long list of psychological and physiologic effects, many of them negative and dangerous? Such as cardiac vessel constriction?

BTW, cannabis is now legally prescribed for stuttering in California, and Obama has said he will not enforce federal law in states that have their own cannabis laws?

We might want to think twice about remaining supercilious before what could soon be official government policy, once the reformers have done their work. Or we could be left in the dust of history, wondering where everyone went.

Not an Obama man personally, but I'll be waiting to see if he follows through on that promise if elected. The Libertarian party dovetails better with my idea of nursing care.

I'm sorry, bad connection. You are a drug user trying to talk to who?

Good luck with your stuttering. You will be filtered out with no tears from me.

Good luck with your stuttering. You will be filtered out with no tears from me.

Can't say it was a particularly spirited, fact-filled debate.

It's not too late to check out the truth about why the U.S. made cannabis illegal in 1937.

Yes, nice....See the doctor in two weeks. Have a GREAT weekend smoking pot. Good luck in your avoidance of me who will fire your ass the first time I smell it! Have a nice day.

Specializes in Emergency.

I've found that employers will give you a drug test within 3 days of accepting a job offer.

Personally, I think drug screening prior to being hired is silly. Afterall, it only gives you a small picture of the person's drug history. Also, some prescribed meds come up testing positive and in my opininon, its no one's business what prescribed meds someone is taking unless it directly affects their ability to do their job. So then, why not test someone who is using lantus for diabetes, or test for them for depakote for seizure disorder? Afterall, seizures and hypoglycemia can potentially impact one's job...which goes back to my original point: pre-employment drug testing is useless. It weeds out the chronic junkies, which can often be spotted a mile away.

I think you should be hired and maintain employment based upon your performance and ability to do your job. Besides, I'd take a stoned nurse over a drunk nurse anyday. There's lots of illegal stuff that is bad for you, and there's lots of legal stuff that is bad for you. And no, I don't use drugs.

Come on drug addicts, we'll take you on one by one. Who's first?

Specializes in neuro, critical care, open heart..

Was this a legit post or was the OP just trying to get a rise?:confused:

Why didn't the OP just start a thread about cannabis legalization/decriminalization? Which BTW I'd wager the vast majority on this board (aside from Absolutely13) would favor.

Usually if they plan to make a job offer b/c the tests are expensive and companies don't want to waste money testing candidates that they don't plan on hiring.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Hope the original poster got the advice they needed. Good luck...

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