Prairie View Nursing Fall 2014

U.S.A. Texas


Anyone out there applying to Prairie View for entrance in the Fall 2014 semester?! The deadline is soon approaching! How far along are you in the application process? Feel free to post any questions, comments, or concerns you may have. Good luck to all!

Ugh! I know the wait has just started but it's nerve racking. I would just like to know if I'm accepted already!

Girl me too! I hope I get my letter sooner than later !

Hey guys!!! Does anyone know when they will start mailing out the acceptance letters? I'm not anxious yet since I think it's still too early but I think I will be beating my head on my desk after the 20th. Any who Khayes2, don't stress it's not over till the fat lady sings, so don't be discouraged, keep your faith :)

Hi everyone, I also wanted to introduce myself in in this nerve killing waiting game. My name is Maria Alcantar... I'm a transfer student from lonestar college.. With a 3.1 gpa:facepalm: but praying to God I get an opportunity. . This will be my second time applying so I'm ready ! Please keep Me updated.. Thank you!

I didn't realize pvamu was a pretty small school comparatively. Is there a reason not that many people apply?

and did you guys apply anywhere else?

I applied to UTHSC

I didn't realize pvamu was a pretty small school comparatively. Is there a reason not that many people apply?

and did you guys apply anywhere else?

I applied lied to Sam Houston and Midwestern State also

I applied to UTMB also

Fall 2013 heard back march 27th, so maybe we'll know so,etching soon! :)

Fall 2013 heard back march 27th so maybe we'll know so,etching soon! :)[/quote']

I hope so the wait is killing me even though it just kind of started lol

I hope so the wait is killing me even though it just kind of started lol
That was supposed to say "know something" ... Haha.

Out of the schools you guys applied to, what is your top? Is PV your top?

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