PPCC advice


Specializes in OB/GYN.

I'm thinking of , well I'm pretty sure that I plan to take A and P 1 over the summer. Is this a bad idea? Has anyone done this? Is there a certain teacher you prefer? why?

Any tips on prepareing for the class?

Specializes in OB/GYN.

surely someone has an opinion??

I would not take AP1 over the summer. It is a difficult class at a regular pace. There is massive memorization......

Specializes in LTC, Psych, M/S.

I took A&P in a summer course.....I also don't recommend it. It was so stressful - too much to memorize in too short of a time. I literally had a panic attack before a test one time!

Specializes in Freelance Writer, 'the nurse who knows content'.

OK, well, here's a different perspective. I took A&P 2 at a university during the summer semester (8 weeks) and did fine. It was the only class I took. Yes, it was stressful, but definitely doable.

Good luck!

Specializes in Psych..

I took A&PI over the summer and got an A. Just make sure it is your only class. Definitely get Threllfall at Rampart as your instructor. He's tough as nails, but if you attend every lecture and take good notes, you won't even have to crack your book. He ONLY tests on what he covers in lecture.

Good luck!

Specializes in ICU-my whole life!!.
I took A&PI over the summer and got an A. Just make sure it is your only class. Definitely get Threllfall at Rampart as your instructor. He's tough as nails, but if you attend every lecture and take good notes, you won't even have to crack your book. He ONLY tests on what he covers in lecture.

Good luck!

Is Larry T. still teaching? He acts to be tough but it is the class not his personality that makes A&P hard. I really enjoyed his lectures.

Specializes in OB/GYN.

I need to taketo at least 6 credits to keep my loans, so I can't make it my only class!

I hate to wait it just puts me off another semester. we may move in 2 years and I was hoping to at least get as far as the LPN before we move.

I know I'm adding to the conversation a little late but I thought I'd throw in my :twocents: :)

I took A&P 1 at FRCC during the summer semester, it moves quickly and is a lot of info but it is definitely do-able. I also wanted to say that if you're using government loans to pay for school (i.e. FAFSA stuff) you don't have to take 6 credits over the summer to keep from going into repayment. You can take summer off and it won't affect your loans (I have been using federal assistance for almost 4 years). Good luck in whatever you decide!


Specializes in Psych..

Robyn, I bet you can pass it, even if you have to take another class. You seem to have a lot of determination.

Armynicurn, I think Threllfall is still teaching at Rampart. I see him around the Rampart campus in the lab hall occasionally. I feel lucky to have gotten him as my teacher when I hear about other A&P teachers...

Specializes in OB/GYN.


I think I've decided to just do it. Now I'm trying to figure out what class to take with it. I need it to be on the easy side!

how hard was psych 235? would this be a good one to take with A and P? Then i would only need part 2 and micro. but i also want to be able to have a summer too!

Specializes in geriatrics hospice.

Has anyone taken A&P online and if so is the labpaq necessary? I'm really excited about summer classes . I just cant afford the labpaq.

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