PPCC advice


I'm thinking of , well I'm pretty sure that I plan to take A and P 1 over the summer. Is this a bad idea? Has anyone done this? Is there a certain teacher you prefer? why?

Any tips on prepareing for the class?

Specializes in Critical Care, Clinical Documentation Specialist.

Hi twhite,

I replied to your other post, but to answer your question here, yes the lab kits are *essential* to your classes. The AP kit is filled with slides, consumable dissection specimens (the lens in the eyeball was COOL) and has the lab manual in it. The one thing I would not bother tracking down is the cow joint. I finally found one at a slaughter house and never really used it, THAT was a nice waste of a day. :/

The costs of these kits are outrageous, but I figured I saved that in gas back and forth to campus, so it was a break even point for me. Still majorly sucks when you are a poor student. :(


I'm taking A&P I this summer with Psy235. I wanted to take it by itself, but I couldn't get my fin aid without taking 6 credits. I am expecting it to be difficult, but I am determined to make it work, somehow. I talked to previous students who have taken both and they all said that though it was difficult, not impossible and I should be able to do it. I also talked to my General Bio professor who also teaches A&P, she also thought it would be doable.

Good Luck!!

Specializes in geriatrics hospice.

Ok is anyone taking microbiology online ? I'm taking A&P 1 and micro online this summer .Is anyone willing to share the micro lab ?

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