Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi everyone--

Has anyone else out there applied to the UCSF MEPN program? They're supposed to send out letters this month (December) for the interview process. Has anyone gotten a letter yet? Will those that aren't asked to the interview process get a rejection letter now?

Crossing my fingers...!

Does anybody know an approximate breakdown of how many slots there are per specialty? Also, do we fill out a FAFSA for 2008-2009 or 2009-2010?

Cool, what changed your mind?

Sorry! I think I totally missed this question. I changed my mind because I wanted more direct patient contact, at least, at this point in my life.

How did your interview go?

Specializes in Admitted to Psych NP/CNS in Geriatrics.

Hi all, as a current MEPN, I'll try to answer a few of your questions.

First, to 06 California, I know the school wants students who have some life experience, generally not fresh out of undergrad school. For instance, I know of a few students who applied early and were not admitted, but gained some additional experience and then were later accepted after reapplying sometimes on the 3rd try. I hope that doesn't burst your bubble, but it will definitely enhance your application with additional years of experience. You could also apply to AmeriCorps as I know that looks good on applications. In addition, the average is 30+. There are a few of us in our 50's, myself being the oldest at 54.

Next to Schmooper, the breakdown of specialties depends on a few things: but mainly how many clinical positions available in a given specialty. For those in the Acute Care ANP and FNP specialties, they have the most clinical sites available and also are the most heavily impacted. The school discourages, or downright will not allow, any switch once you declare a specialty. So be sure of your chosen field, and why you are applying, when you submit your application.

Hope this helps.

Specializes in Emergency, Critical Care Transport.

Ah, it's 5 am.

I have to say, I love reading everything on here, because it reminds me of how different last year was.

I'm going to echo portreroLCSW on a lot of things. FNP and CNM are very impacted. ACNP I'm not sure (that's my specialty). I know that the entire program is pretty competitive, and I'm growing more and more excited as the end of the MEPN year comes. I can't believe how fast it's going.

As far as age, there is one person I know of who was accepted right out of college (she's in my carpool), and she's very clear on what she wants to do. I know she has a lot of experience throughout her life working within her specialty (oncology CNS), and my personal feeling is that if you want to get in, you'd better well apply. If you don't get in the first round, find out what you need to do, do it, and reapply.

You would be amazed at how many people come to the info sessions and ask questions like, "What exactly does an NP do? Can they prescribe?" which tells me that they are looking for a career change but don't have knowledge of nursing or what they're getting into. That's basic. You should have some knowledge of nursing, and if you're deciding on being a CNS or an NP, you should know the difference between the two.

Things I can tell you- a LOT of nursing schools have issues, either lack of clinical instructors or faculty, etc. It's endemic to the entire system of schools (I've had friends at Columbia and Vanderbilt who will tell you the same). UCSF has its occasional issues, but overall I'm very happy. Yes there are classes I wish I didn't have to take. Yes there are busywork assignments. Yes sometimes the commuting to a clinical site is the *last* thing I want to do, but the stuff I've seen and the instructors I've had? Phenomenal. Stuff that's par for the course at places like Children's Oakland, Lucille Packard, Stanford, UCSF, SFGH is not routinely done in other hospitals. Look up heterotropic heart transplant. Awesome.

My point is that no matter what you do, if you expect perfect, you're going to be disappointed.

But if you expect good, very good, or excellent for that matter, you will most likely be pretty happy.

And I think that goes for life in general.

Now, please, play this month. I mean seriously - go somewhere. Do something fun. Get your mind off the letters. They arrive sometime in March, and they won't be there March 1st, so take a deep breath, hang out, take a roadtrip, work, save some money, finish your pre reqs, and be thankful that you're not getting up at 4:30am yet.


thanks for the advice on taking a break! i took anatomy without lab last semester and physio over 10 years ago. am i going to be really behind because i'm not taking a refresher course right now? should i be reviewing books or something right now? i'm really afraid that if i am fortunate enough to start in june i will also find myself wishing i'd taken a class over the spring semester. thoughts from current students?


I feel the same way. I was thinking to do a review of anatomy, physio, and pathophys before the program starts, assuming I'm getting in.

Specializes in Emergency, Critical Care Transport.

I took anatomy and physiology labs in my spring semester before entering MEPN, which was a good review. If you get in, though, you will find other people to review with, and you will take pathophys in your first quarter.

Only about 1 more week before they mail letters.

hi all,

not sure how active this thread is. i'm sure we'll all be checking it like crazy come march 2. i have a question for anyone who might know the answer. fasfa is due on march 2 for california. as others have explained to me, money is rewarded on first-come, first-serve basis. i'm thinking of turning in fasfa before i know if i've gotten in...just in case. can anyone think of a reason this might confuse the process if i do get in? or any other reason i shouldn't file before i hear the news?

thanks to anyone that knows the answer...and good luck to all! i just hope the mail works for me this time.

at the interview, we were given a sheet explaining how to think about funding MEPN. it states it is best to apply ASAP. since we knew if we got interviews before january 1, which is the earliest date one could apply for a fafsa, a MEPN finalist could apply for fafsa as early as jan 1, but i think you have to apply by march 2 or april 15. i would apply now - i just did mine, and was worried i waited too long!

regarding the fafsa thing, does it mean we have to get all our "stuff" in, such as the tax information? I applied for it, but since I haven't done my taxes, I had no idea what to put in!

I haven't touched this stuff in so long....

I believe the cut off is April 1st for CA, you do have to have your taxes completed...waiting on mine as we speak...double check the date though

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