Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi everyone--

Has anyone else out there applied to the UCSF MEPN program? They're supposed to send out letters this month (December) for the interview process. Has anyone gotten a letter yet? Will those that aren't asked to the interview process get a rejection letter now?

Crossing my fingers...!

veni, vidi, vadi

I wasn't putting anyone on the spot - I honestly had no idea what the post meant and was asking for clarity's sake...

You know, I've been hit on by so many gay men while wearing my scrubs that you're probably right about that ratio - nursing is still a predominantly female-held occupation, unfortunately. I went into geriatrics hoping it would be a safe haven from stereotypes, but the human libido apparently outlives the usefulness of the reproductive equipment we were born with. Short of wearing jewelry (i.e. wedding band or earrings on the appropriate ear) and wearing a t-shirt that says, "I'm not gay!!" -does anyone have any suggestions on how else to make this point VERY clear? Thanks in advance for any tips.

Regardless of anyone's sexual orientation, I'm pretty sure most people don't want to be hit on by their clients. And honestly, I'm not sure a t-shirt would work as I have been hit on by straight married men on queer women's nights at bars before. Some men are just clueless. :lol2:

You know, I've been hit on by so many gay men while wearing my scrubs that you're probably right about that ratio - nursing is still a predominantly female-held occupation, unfortunately. I went into geriatrics hoping it would be a safe haven from stereotypes, but the human libido apparently outlives the usefulness of the reproductive equipment we were born with. Short of wearing jewelry (i.e. wedding band or earrings on the appropriate ear) and wearing a t-shirt that says, "I'm not gay!!" -does anyone have any suggestions on how else to make this point VERY clear? Thanks in advance for any tips.

Well, see, I dunno...I think the t-shirt might be a pretty good idea or, at the very least, a button with flashing lights that carries the same message. LOL

As a gay man I think the best way of handling any unwanted advances from a guy is to do it the same way you'd handle unsolicited flirting from a woman. If someone makes an unwanted advance why not just let them know that you appreciate the compliment, but that you're straight and married. Don't embarrass the person, don't shriek and run away in terror and don't get angry at them (unless they're making sexually harassing advances)...just tell them and move on.

Keep in mind that we're all applying to a public university located in a city which is historically very liberal, open minded and tolerant of the viewpoints of individuals from a wide variety of a little sensitivity goes a long way.

You, your time, and your talents are worth more than that ;)

You're right on with this statement, Newtonian!

I think everyone here has already demonstrated themselves to be totally awesome people and I hope that nobody puts too much of their self-worth on the chopping block based solely upon being accepted by this school.

If perchance a miracle occurs and letters do begin to arrive tomorrow, will someone please send a carrier pigeon my way? :) I am scheduled for surgery in the afternoon and will be sans computer and telephone for a couple of days (and probably too out of it to read any mail).

I have great timing.

veni, vidi, vadi

Ask and ye shall receive:

Check out the 5th paragraph specifically.

Having said that...I think the 5 Gold rings are probably much more valuable than 7 swans and since we're probably going to be poor grad students in a few months we might need to be able to pawn stuff.

Of course its 7 "Swans-a-swimming" which implies there is a pool of some sort for them to swim in...if it happens to be a Jacuzzi Hot Tub I'd be all about getting that too. (The value of having a place to relax after a hard day of clinicals cannot be understated)

veni, vidi, vadi

Ladies (100) vs. Gentlemen (5)... correction it's really only 1 gentleman, because the other 4 are gay. Nothing wrong with being gay, it's just the statistics. Of course, I maybe wrong.

codeblue, you crack me up!

I'm proud to be one out of those 4 ;) Hey, I'm a gentleman as well! :lol2:

Well, see, I dunno...I think the t-shirt might be a pretty good idea or, at the very least, a button with flashing lights that carries the same message. LOL

As a gay man I think the best way of handling any unwanted advances from a guy is to do it the same way you'd handle unsolicited flirting from a woman. If someone makes an unwanted advance why not just let them know that you appreciate the compliment, but that you're straight and married. Don't embarrass the person, don't shriek and run away in terror and don't get angry at them (unless they're making sexually harassing advances)...just tell them and move on.

Keep in mind that we're all applying to a public university located in a city which is historically very liberal, open minded and tolerant of the viewpoints of individuals from a wide variety of a little sensitivity goes a long way.

Well said....

Hey Tippy, you should have messed with him a bit and told him the opposite things to do, you know like total stereotype stuff like wearing pink scrubs to scare those scary boys away and talking about clothes, have some fun with a

Nothing says fun like messing with someone with a phobia right!! But that being said I am sure no harm was meant, I mean we are all adults so I just kind of laughed it off and I am sure Tippy probably had a chuckle TOO.

When I read what Newtonian had to say I had to laugh. For starters if one has the phobia or doesn't like supposedly being hit on by guys then San Francisco is not a place one should apply, that is what we would call common sense Newtonian. Oh, let me by clear, Newt, what I am saying is meant as a jab at you in good fun so please take it as such, have to have a little fun on the board right.

Second, when I first entered the workforce and I was hit on by gay guys I was a little taken aback by it at first because while i have my theories about how they are with eachother that is just with eachother. The reality was I never knew because before I went to work I never got to know any gay's (male or female) So, my point is when those interested knew I wasn't then friendships were found and I will tell you what, although I don't live life like they do or do something they do, they are some of the coolest people i've met. Humor is just off the charts and unlike many uptight people they can dish it out and actually take it and while not all of any type (race,gender,etc) are the same that has been my experience.

So, come on Newtonian, do like I do, take it as a compliment. I mean imagine being wanted by all so to speak and being twice as popular, if you thought this way in High School maybe you could've been voted a prom king or something, you could have had the straight female vote, the gay vote and so

Okay, so back to reality, some have had good experiences and others have not through the process but like any experience involving customer service I guess it is just luck of the draw sometimes.

Oh, on the UCSF site there is a picture of last years class and I think I counted about 12 males out of a class of 80 or more, it was awhile back when I looked so I can't remember exactly but I would expect about the same.

Regardless of anyone's sexual orientation, I'm pretty sure most people don't want to be hit on by their clients. And honestly, I'm not sure a t-shirt would work as I have been hit on by straight married men on queer women's nights at bars before. Some men are just clueless. :lol2:

What's funny about this from birthrevolution is that the guys she was hit on by at the Gay Women's Bar probably actually thought they were going there and that they were so hot that they could "convert" a gay woman if given "just one night".....some men....some men indeed!!

If we both get in birthrevolution, I am coming to meet you so I can hear some stories because I bet you have many funny one's like these!!

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