Published Oct 16, 2005
1 Post
Hello everyone. I have a little over a year of experience working as an LPN in a subacute unit. I would like to start working on my RN, but would like to cut back on my daytime hours when I do. Are there many night positions available in HH that require nurses to be present in the home for middle of the night meds, tx's or emergencies, but allow them to sleep most of the night?
10 Articles; 19,008 Posts
Are there many night positions available in HH that require nurses to be present in the home for middle of the night meds, tx's or emergencies l
Yes, night shifts are available in agencies that specialize in shift care
but allow them to sleep most of the night?
Positions that allow you to sleep? NO.
Expectation is when your working night shift, you are awake and working.
However, most nights usually have 1-2 hours quiet time, perfect for studying.
38,333 Posts
I noticed that this was an old thread but will respond anyway. I am primarily a NOC nurse and couldn't sleep on night shift if God commanded me. It's just not the way I was "raised" as a Noc nurse. I can always find something to do or clean or study. However, on my last case, when I worked Nocs, the pt who was a stable vent dependent pt, required lights out at certain time and encouraged/allowed/expected his Noc nurses to sleep. He and I discussed this at length. One of the reasons he let his Noc nurses sleep, according to him was quid pro quo-for various reasons he had problems getting and keeping nursing personnel and through the yrs found that letting noc nurses sleep was beneficial b/c some of them were literally working around the clock and really should not have been working that shift at all. He stated, and I agreed, that since he allowed sleeping, ok but of course nurse should be arousable for emergency. Common sense. However, this pt had bona fide sleep disturbance, which I noted and was documenting...he had requested sleep meds. He understood from my point of view that as far as I was concerned I was there to work, i.e. I noted and was documenting his sleep patterns. I explained why. I just could not bring myself to lower my work standards, just b/c of expediency. So, yes, depending on the situation, there are night "sleep" positions, but they are very few and far between, and always come with the caveat that the nurse is expected to alert awake when necessary.
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
I would say that there are cases where you can relax more than average, but make sure that you are easily aroused if the client needs you, because that is the function of your position. I have a day home health situation on Saturdays with a very active 4 year old trach patient. SHe takes Albuterol, so, she suffers from irritability, hyperactivity and insomnia...all side effects of this medication. IF that girl ever takes a nap at all, I admit that I sit right next to her and doze off as well. However, I don't have a solid sleep as if I were at home (with the pajamas and drool dripping from my mouth-smile). I still get up and administer her mist treatments, her Pulicort and ALbuterol treatments and such. And, if she wakes up and cries, I make sure that I am there to respond to her. I do get plenty of reading done and have happily completed many novels during her care, but I know I have to drop everything in a heartbeat to give her the care that I am hired to perform.
40 Posts
Our office has a position for an RN on call at night, you could probably sleep some nights and others you may not get a wink. She would see scheduled PM visits, PM admissions and take calls and make visits if needed PRN.
4 Posts
my goodness. if you're being paid for the shift you must be awake!