Portage learning


I am applying to a nursing school and the refered me to portage learning online for my prerequisites. Can anybody tell me if portage learning is accredited? Has anybody taken classes from them before? Did you have any problems transfering your credits?

I really appreciate the help of anybody out there who can give me some info. Thank you!

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

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Did you ever take the courses with portagelearning. I'm trying to get some feed back before registering for the course.


I'm currently taking a nutrition course with portage. The quality of the content is excellent and straight to the point.

Thanks, for the feed back. I'm applying for the Accelerated BSN with Utica college and I have a couple of prerequisites that i have to take before applying and wanted a self pace environment. I've already confirmed with Utica college and they will accept credits from portage.

Thanks, I will be registering for the A&P course next week.

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

I just took a quick peek - according to their web site, they are regionally accredited, so the courses should transfer. They don't appear to be associated with any type of financial aid - but the courses are very inexpensive. You may want to double check - with the nursing program you are aiming for - to make sure that they will accept online "lab" courses.

I took two courses with portage online learning (microbiology and anatomy and physiology). This is a self-paced program that worked perfect since I needed both these courses completed in under six weeks. I could not of asked for a better program. The staff from administration to the teachers was always very helpful. I plan to take more courses with them due to the flexibility they offer. The labs are done completely online by watching demonstrations by the instructors while you keep a lab notebook. Please feel free to message me with specific questions. As mentioned they do not offer financial aid.

I'm also applying for Utica Accelerated BSN program. So far..Portage learning is great!

Hi Everyone,

I'm looking into Portage too as I have two small kids I can't leave at home to attend an actual class. Can anyone confirm for me that you can log on at any time? It seems once you start a module you have to finish it and do the test immediately or can you decide when you are ready to take the test?

Thank you!

I'm also applying for Utica Accelerated BSN program. So far..Portage learning is great!

Its been awhile don't know if you are still active on this site. If you get this message can you please tell me about your experience at Utica College Accelerated Nursing program ? And did you have any problems transferring your credits Portage Online Learning.

Did you have any problem transferring the credits to another school. There are some schools like Concordia Nursing school in NY who wont take online credit for courses.

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